Goodbyes Always Hurt

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The two days went by, and it felt like an eternity. Morgiana spent these two days with little Hakuryuu, Kouha, Hakuren, Kougyoku, and Judal.

They spent a very happy time together. Playing, training, laughing, and the most ridiculous thing that happened, was when they were all eating peaches, that Judal brought them, then he suddenly blurted out, "Mor-chan, would you marry me?"

Morgiana spurted her water in Hakuren's face, while he had a mini heart attack, Kouha and Hakuen laughing like crazy, and Hakuryuu crying, repeating "noo, she's miiine" and hugging Morgiana like she was gonna die.

On the other side of the sphere, everyone was laughing, even Kouen chuckled lightly. Well, besides Judal, who became as red as a tomato, repeating "What the hell?"

"What is wrong with this family? Everyone wants to marry Morgiana." Masrur stated.

"Yeah, well Mor-chan is cute, and beautiful, and powerful, and very kind and sweet. Of course everyone wants to marry her!" Exclaimed Aladdin, grinning, while Alibaba nodded, still laughing.

Back to Morgiana, she moved to sit down beside Judal, "Pumpkin, you are too young to get married, and I'm too old for you," well not literally, since he's older than me in the future. She thought.

"True, you could maybe propose to her again, Judal. When she gets back." Smirked Kougyoku.

"S-shut up, idiot!" Judal yelled, pleading his blood to leave his cheeks.

Kougyoku, you want me to kill him now? Thought Hakuryuu.

After those two days, Yunan came back, and was greeted by Morgiana and Hakuren; "Yunan!" Exclaimed Morgiana, smiling.

"Hello there," He smiled too.

"Good to see you again," said Hakuren.

"So, I've been working on this spell, and it's all settled now; I can take you back whenever you want to. All you need to do while I apply the spell, is thinking about the reason that brought you here. If time decided to bring you here, that must mean that something very important to you, to your surroundings was gonna disappear," Explained Yunan.

The reason that brought me here.. Hakuryuu-san.. Thought Morgiana.

"Um, Yunan, what I did here, would it affect the future? I kind of.. changed things.. I think? I'm scared that if I go back to my present, I would find that the things changed, and I'm scared." Admitted Morgiana.

Yunan chuckled a little, "No, don't worry about that. If you changed things, it would in fact change in the future, but not yours. It would just create a parallel alternative world with some.. changes." He smiles warmly.

Morgiana let out a heavy sigh of relief, and then spoke again, "Will everyone remember me? If I go?"

"I guess so," Yunan shrugged.

"Okay, just let me tell me them the news.." Morgiana walked into the garden, where Hakuryuu, Kouha, Kouen, and Judal were sitting. Hakuren following behind her, after a short nod that gave him Yunan, telling him that it's okay to leave him there.

"Hey everyone!" Morgiana called, they all glanced up, smiling, "Morgy-chan!" Called back Hakuryuu and ran towards her, wrapping his little arms around her waist.

Morgiana walked him to sit down on the grass, where the others were sitting. "How are you guys?"

"All good," Replied Kouen. "Is everything okay?" He then asked.

A Kept Promise. [Hakuryuu × Morgiana]Where stories live. Discover now