Trapped In Somebody Else's Past

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"It's none of my business, I just came here to tell you, Kouen, that I'll be leaving the palace." Hakuryuu said, coldly, with a blank face.

"Is that.. really you..?" Muttered Alibaba.

"Oh, I didn't notice the two of you here." Said Hakuryuu, eyes skimming to Alibaba and Aladdin's direction.

"Was what you told her a lie?" Asked Aladdin looking down.

"Excuse me?" Replied Hakuryuu.

"Was it a lie? What you told Mor-san that evening, before you left! Was it a lie? Were you playing with her emotions? Answer me!" Yelled Aladdin.

Hakuryuu, struck for a second, gulped, then regained his composure. Clearing his throat, he said. "It was between her and I, you shouldn't be asking this."

"Really? That's how you see it? Because what I see is a coward that chose the easiest path because of his weakness. He couldn't fight for the ones he loved so chose the evil way, because it's always easier to be bad than to do good, right?!" Aladdin's face was red with anger. He couldn't hold it in anymore, not being able to wipe away the image of Morgiana crying because of this Prince from his head.

Hakuryuu's siblings watched in silence as the Magi and their brother glared at each other.
Alibaba was trying to calm Aladdin down, while Masrur stood behind Hakuryuu.

"You don't know anything. You can't understand." Said Hakuryuu, hands balling into fists, a deadly glare in his eyes.

"Did you do something to Morgiana?" A voice asked behind Hakuryuu. He turned quickly to meet peircing Ruby orbs. He haven't noticed the general moving behind him.

"Well at least, I--" Aladdin was cut by the sound of what sounded like groaning.

They all turned to look at the sphere. Morgiana opened her eyes, not knowing where she was. It was already night time. She sat up slowly, looking around her. "Wh- where am I?" She croaked.

She stood up, trying to balance herself, when she started sniffling. Which the Ren siblings found odd. Seeing their expressions, Masrur said, "The Fanalis have extremely developed senses."

That's.. That's the smell of burnt wood.. Something is on fire, Morgiana thought.

Nearly all of them gasped, gaping at the sphere. This was unbelievable. They were able to hear her thoughts too? The globe showed everything and produced every sound!

Morgiana ran to the place that was burning, following her flair; finally arriving to a burning palace. Every inch of the wood that constituted the palace was burning. She gasped, not knowing what to do, until she heard a voice. "..lp.. elp.. lease.."
Morgiana parted her bangs behind her ear so she could hear more clearly. "Help.. Help.. Please..!" The second she heard those words, she ran into the fire.

"What are you doing!? Don't go there, Morgiana!" Alibaba shouted.

"She can't hear you.." Said Kouen, slightly gaping, watching her running towards the fire.

She kept moving forward. Her left arm was a little burnt, and her dress too, but she didn't care. I have to save this person! She thought. And once again, they were able to hear her thoughts. "She is so brave.." Mumbled Kougyoku behind her hand.

She finally reached the person that was screaming for help. When she removed the burnt wood that was crashed on the body, she found a little a boy crying. After turning him, she met the piercing set of blue eyes she knew oh so well, and the beauty mark signature on the left side. H-Hakuryuu-san? She questioned herself, eyes widening.

A Kept Promise. [Hakuryuu × Morgiana]Where stories live. Discover now