Trying To Go Back Home

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The next day, Morgiana woke and found little Hakuryuu sleeping next to her, with his head buried in her chest.

She stood up and went out her room, leaving Hakuryuu who was still asleep. She met Kouha in the garden, who came to her running, "Mor-chaan~! Come play with me!" Yelled Kouha.

Morgiana smiled and asked, "Okay, what do you want to play?"

"Umm.. Oh I know! Your hair! Let me fix it! You'll love it, I'm sure!" Exclaimed Kouha.

Morgiana nodded and sat down so that little Kouha could reach her hair.

Hakuren was passing by and saw Morgiana and Kouha, and decided to join them.
"Hey there," Greeted Hakuren.

"Ah Hakuren-san, good morning!" Said Morgiana.

"What are you guys doing?" Asked Hakuren.

"I'm trying to make Mor-chan even more beautiful!" Answered Kouha, to which Hakuren hummed.

"Hakuren-san, I need to talk to you, are you available?" Said Morgiana.

"Yeah, of course," Replied Hakuren. I wonder what she wants to talk about, He thought.


After Kouha finished, Morgiana was wonderfully beautiful. Her hair was up in a beautiful bun surrounded by little braids, and a white flower was on the right.

Hakuren looked at Morgiana amazed. When Morgiana noticed him, she asked, concerned, "Hakuren-san..? Is something wrong?"

Hakuren was taken back, and immediately replied "N-no! Nothing is wrong.. It's just that you're really beautiful."

Silence ~

Wh- what did I just say?!  Thought Hakuren, with an extreme blush and panic.

When he glanced up, he found her smiling, "Thank you very much." Thanked Morgiana.

"Eeeh~ Ren-nii-san's face is so red!" Said Kouha.

Morgiana just laughed. These moments.. It just can't continue forever, I need to go back to the future, to my present..

"So that's what she wants to talk about with Hakuren." Noted Alibaba.

"But how?" Asked Kougyoku.

"Maybe she has a plan." Said Aladdin.

Morgiana stood up and said "Hakuren-san, shall we?"

Hakuren nodded, stood up and started walking somewhere where they could talk without anyone bothering them.

They were in the royal library. "Here, have a seat, Morgiana-chan."

"Thank you." Said Morgiana and sat down, facing him.

"So, what did you want to talk about?" Asked Hakuren.

"Hakuren-san.. I want to go back from where I came." She said with a determinate look.

Eyes winded, Hakuren didn't know what to say, his feelings were mixed. He felt fear, and also sadness. He began to get used to Morgiana being around, he wanted her to stay here with him, but he knew that no matter how much she'll get used go them, she'll never feel home.

A Kept Promise. [Hakuryuu × Morgiana]Where stories live. Discover now