The Little One Woke Up

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"Eight years." Exclaimed Morgiana.

"What do you mean, eight years?" Asked Hakuren.

"I-I.. well.. I think that--  I came from the future," Said, Morgiana, panic in her voice.

Hakuren's jaw dropped, not understanding but still having a clue. "You mean you traveled eight years back in the past?"

"I.. think so?" Answered Morgiana, with worried eyes.

Hakuren looked at his younger brother, then remembered when Morgiana asked him if he was Hakuryuu's bigger brother.
So that's how she knew him.. Hakuryuu still wasn't introduced to the citizens since he is young. They probably know each other in the future.

Aladdin had a deep look after they heard Hakuren's thought. "He is quite fast at concluding things." Said Alibaba.

"He is, indeed." Replied Aladdin.

W-wait a minute! That means that she's Hakuryuu's age or less.. which means I've got no chance with her.. Thought Hakuren again, sulking in his head.

Aladdin, Alibaba, Kouha, Kougyoku and even Koumei chuckled when they heard him.

"Can I ask you something?" Asked Morgiana.

Hakuren nodded, with a disappointed look, still thinking that he hasn't a chance with her.

"Do you know who sat that fire?"

Hakuren's eyes winded, remembering the fire, and the one behind it. He lowered his head and asked in a low voice. "How many days have I been sleeping?"

"Three days." Answered Morgiana.

"Is there any other survivers beside me and Hakuryuu? What about my older brother Hakuyuu?.. Please.. " He asked, with eyes glistening with unshed tears.

"I.." She bit her lower lip, looking apologetic. "The only survivers are you two, I heard from the villagers that no one survived. I'm really sorry for your brother.." Said Morgiana in a soft, sad voice.

"C-can you-  give me some time alone..?" He asked, burying his face in his arms, wrapped around his knees.

Morgiana nodded, and stood up. Before she passed the door, she murmured again. "I'm sorry.."

She went under a tree, sat down and covered her eyes with her hand. This is all my fault.. I should have returned in there. Maybe I could have saved others.. That is all my fault.


The evening came and it was time for dinner. Morgiana took a plate and placed food that the villagers offered so kindly (she still thought it was because of the royal princes) on it and went to Hakuren and Hakuryuu.

She entered their little house and found Hakuren training with a knife.
Sitting down beside Hakuryuu, she placed the plate down and called Hakuren to come.

He turned around and found her, sitting there, with the moon's light shining behind her. He blushed a little, Seriously.. she is gorgeous.

Hearing him, Masrur spoke. "He has something missing in his head. Morgiana is too young. He shouldn't be thinking like this." It was clear that he was annoyed.

"Masrur-san, you sure see Mor-san as your little sister?" Exclaimed Aladdin, wiggling his eyebrows.

Hakuryuu stayed silent, watching carefully.

Hakuren walked towards her, sat and started eating. "We should get to the south palace. That's where my uncle is." Said Hakuren.

"Is it far?" Asked Morgiana.

A Kept Promise. [Hakuryuu × Morgiana]Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant