You Are My Eyes

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All my life I had never seen a thing. People would try to describe things to me but I never understood what they meant. It frustrated me, why couldn't I see what they could see? I just wanted to see something so simple as a color... or anything. While I said I saw nothing people told me I saw black, but I didn't understand this black and probably never would. I was going through my usual day. I had a simple job and a dog and cane that helped me around. I never knew what a dog looked like but she had the softest fur in the world and they told me she was a German Shepard, whatever that was. Most nights she would come lay next to me when I had been crying from the unfairness of being blind. I was tired of going through every day with nothing. It wasn't worth living... every second... just blind. Doctors told me I would never see and I wish they could do something for me but mine was apparently too severe to fix. I sighed loudly. Today was more abnormal than most days my friends were gonna take me to a convention for like a week or something. They always talked about games and Youtubers... I couldn't get join in on their fun though. Sometimes I would listen to the lets players they watched and listened to the stupid jokes being made. That was the only reason I was going to "meet" these youtubers the ones who made me laugh when I listened to them. My door bursted open and I knew my friends were here.
{Okay so they are in Ireland and they are Irish but I'm not up for trying to make the dialogue seem Irish, srry.}
Anna: Yo Sean! You ready to get the show on the road?
Sean: Yeah Anna, get me a second to finish being ready! Come here Roo... let me get your leash on you.
I put the leash on my helpful canine, Roo, and headed towards the sounds of talking and laughter of my friends: Anna, Katy, Chris, and Dan. I wish I could see them... they had let me touch them so I could kinda know what they looked like. Touch helped me see but not knowing what things were supposed to look like made it hard. They knew how much I wished for sight. There were too many nights to count of them comforting me when I would cry, but once they had done something amazing for me. They organized an event to make people see what it was like to be blind and they went through the course as well. But it wasn't the same because they still knew what things were supposed to look like.
Dan: Let's get out of here. Ready to meet some youtubers Sean?
Sean: Yeah... I guess so.

--- Time Skip to First Day of Convention ---
S: Man, I don't wanna go. I'm so damn tired...
C: Come one Sean if we don't go now we'll have to wait in long freaking lines.
S: Oh fine!
I took my shower and got dressed. It took a while because I was not familiar with my surroundings so I had to use my cane the entire time. I put on the 'on duty' vest on Roo and put her on the leash. When I walked out the door my friends were waiting for me, and since I was being cautious from my unknown surroundings they grabbed hold of me and led me so we could move faster. It made me feel like such a god damn burden. We arrived and many voices filled my ears, this place is pretty packed even though we are here relatively early.
K: Come on Sean!
D: Who you wanna go see first?
S: ummmm... who's here?
A: Pretty much all the people you listen to except... Pewdiepie. He's not here for this one.
S: Oh god... there's too many. Just take me to some random one.
C: Okay then to the Minecraft!
I chuckled and followed them they had a tight grip on my arms so they wouldn't lose me. I was just holding my cane at this point, not even bothering, and I felt Roo clinging to my side. She was never comfortable when I was in crowds she knew what it meant if I got lost. We arrived at the minecraft and while they took turns looking around the convention at least one of them led me through the lines. When we got to the front they would explain my story... It made me feel like I couldn't do anything for myself like a f***** little kid. But when they talked to me I felt normal almost and I swear I could see a glow where their voice was coming from. As I went throughout the con I slowly understood what black was... but I couldn't name the other colors. When we headed back to the hotel I decided to tell them.
S: Guys?
C: Yeah Sean?
S: I can't explain why but when I was talking to those youtubers I could see something.
K: Wait what???? Really??? What did you see?
S: I'm not sure I think they were colors...
D: Oh my god... like how?
S: When I was talking to them I could see something emit off of them and it was comforting. Like I could see them but they were all one color.
A: Okay describe what you saw with Sky.
S: Ummm... it was light but it was more dull?
A: So white with something that made it darker?
S: I think so?
D: Oh I get it! You saw Gold or yellow. That's Sky's signature color on youtube... That's so cool! So like now you can finally understand color. But why aren't we don't show color to you?
S: I don't know but I'm starting to get a headache from all this thinking.

Time skip to Second Night at the Convention
There was a rumor going around that there was a blind man at the convention this year. Of course there would be disabled people all the time, but apparently this guy was here to see, well talk to, his favorite youtubers. I knew we should plan something special for this guy. I called up the people who ran the con and asked them if we could do something for the guy. When they agreed I was so elated. They instantly came up with an unplanned event for the last day of the con. All the youtubers who had come to the con would be in a large panel which would last for about five two hour sessions, and he would be there the entire time.

When we walked into the convention for the third day I was more excited than normal... I was going to meet more of the people I tended to listen to more. More of the horror gamers and anyone involved with a close-knit group. As soon as I walked in my friends and I were stopped by security where they led us to their office. I was desperately disappointed and I began to cry. My friends tried to comfort me but I had to sit down as soon as I did Roo was giving me kisses.
A: Sean, don't worry. We'll still get to see your favorites.
K: Sean it's okay calm down.
The door opened and I heard everyone gasp. I was still crying but I was still horribly angry as well.
?: Oh, uh sorry sir. I'm one of the people in charge of this con. My name's Tony. These are people who help me run it: George and Danielle. And then the person who wanted you here Mark.
At this point I was furious and my friends still hadn't said a thing.
S: Yeah and what do you want with me.
I then heard a voice all too familiar to me.
M: Well... this is my idea...
S: Mark? Markiplier?
M: Yeah... How did you...
S: I'm blind so I rely on things like my hearing plus I can see your color.
M: What??? See my color?
S: Yeah... um guys what's this color I see?
A: It's pink... Mark's color is pink.
M: Wait as in my channel, the pink warfstache?
C: Yeah... We don't know why but ever since Sean is able to see a color surround a person like their aura, but only youtubers...
M: Umm... that's awesome I bet huh? Being able to see more than what you could.
I got up from the chair I was in... I couldn't see anyone else except Mark's pink aura and I walked slowly towards him and then hugged him. He was shocked but I just kept hugging him. When I opened my eyes I could actually see him! And everyone else! I fell backwards and everyone stumbled to help me. I shook them off and stood up.
S: Oh my god... oh my f******* god!
D: What's wrong Sean?
I didn't respond instead I took off the sunglasses I had on and looked around and walked around then I stared at my friends and Mark.
M: Wait... can you see?
I began to cry and was nodding my head. I could see! I could f****** see! I looked at Mark and I knew he was why I could see.
S: It's because of you... When I hugged you... it all came to me.
Without hesitation I ran up to him and kissed him straight on the lips. Surprisingly he began to kiss me back. I was making out with Markiplier and I could see. This was how I wanted to spend the rest of my life and so I did... creating a Youtube channel called Jacksepticeye and I eventually married Mark. Life was more than I could ever ask for, perfect.

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