Dirty Dancing

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*Readers be advised the following content contains pole dancing, which isnt too ba but if you are not comfortable with this please do not read. Anyway this is entirely in Markiplier's POV*

I had been practicing for months. When I first started I filmed it and played it as a joke for my fans, but once I realized how good I was and how much I enjoyed it... I couldn't stop. It was like a drug for me. I wanted to get a job in pole dancing and I'm sure with how my body looks anyone would be glad to hire me. I could live a double life enjoying what I do both as a gamer and a dancer. My life couldn't get any better than this! There was the yearly club auditions tomorrow and all the strip clubs would be there to pick new dancers. They all have their spots to pick reserved and we would show our skills the day of with a competition, of sorts. It was kind of like the NFL Draft except they only saw our talent the day of. Well this should be fun!

Time Skip - Next Day at Club Auditions
I was in the dressing room mentally preparing myself. I had finished getting ready ages ago and now with nothing to do I was nervous as hell. 'Come on Mark. You don't care what club it is as long as you get a job doing what you love.' I kept trying these assurances that I knew by heart, but it wasn't helping. I sat there staring at myself in the mirror. I kept watching even as two men joined my reflection. One was blonde and fair skinned and the other wore a white mask with a neutral face on it.
?: Cry, I have awesome news!
Cry: What is it Pewds?
Pewdiepie: So the best club in town will be here! Apparently one of their dancers retired!
Cry: Oh my god! Do you think one of us could get the job?
Pewdiepie: I have no idea but lets make that our goal!

Their conversation made me only more nervous. I pushed my black hair out of my face and sighed. 'Calm down.' I took a deep breath in and let it out slowly. 'It's only SepticEye, you'll be fine it does not matter if you get into that club or not.' Now I felt like I could take on anyone may be even good enough to get into the legendary SepticEye club! The announcer began to do his thing and I lined up with the other dancers backstage. Now the competition would start. Like a tournament you advanced by defeating your opponents, and you were judged by all of the clubs. The top ten clubs couldn't vote, but I didn't mind. It was finally my turn to dance and now that I noticed I was actually the last dancer.
Announcer: Our final competitor, ladies and gentlemen! Is... Markiplier!

My heart raced as I walked onto the stage and I heard gasps and whistles. The men weren't allowed shirts so they were taking close notice to my exposed muscles. Surprisingly the attention calmed me and I felt more than ready as I approached the pole. The music ended too soon and I got off the pole slowly which brought me back to reality. I saw everyone in the room except the top ten clubs they were all staring at me intently with smiles. I guess I did really freaking good... it sure felt that way.
Announcer: Thank you Markiplier! And now we will proceed with the voting!

I walked back behind the stage and when I did some people complimented me and others glared at me. 'What did I do when I was dancing?' I'm pretty sure I stuck to my routine... well it doesn't matter that they are voting and what's done is done.
Announcer: Okay! We have our top ten dancers! Now you all know the rules; top ten clubs, please head to the private dancing room. Okay contestants please come out onto the stage, so we can announce the top ten!

We soon all piled on the stage and waited for the announcer to tell us the lucky ten.
Announcer: Okay! Now in no particular order: Chilled Chaos, Cryaotic, Pewdiepie, Seananners, CinnamonToastKen, Myuskerm, LordMinion, Ohmwrecker, Mr. Sark, and Markiplier! Please head backstage and congratulations!

Wait a minute, did he just call my name? Oh My God! He did! I'm going to work in one of the top ten clubs! I made my way excitedly through the crowd heading backstage. We were led to a smaller dancing room where the ten chairs were already occupied. 'Were we dancing again, in private?' A song came on and one of the ten men instructed us to dance however we wanted to. I was the first to confidently grab hold of the pole and dance, but I was soon quickly joined by the others. I watched my opponents and we were doing the same old boring routines. I decided to let my heart take over my body's movements. I wasn't too focused on what I was doing exactly but it made me feel more alive than I had felt in months. When the music ended I stood with the other dancers, and boy, whatever I did made my muscles burn. One man stood up, he walked and checked out our bodies. When the man approached me I checked him out as well. He had quite pale light skin, red hair on the sides of his head with a dyed green floof on top. If I would make a guess I would say he is Irish... he did have muscles but was quite skinny. His look definitely suited him. He walked around me then moved onto the next person. Eventually he sat back down and no one else in the chairs dared to move. 'Was that the man from Septiceye?' We were dismissed backstage and everyone was talking amongst themselves. I just sat down watching and listening to my competitor's. Eventually our names were being called and mine was the first.
Announcer: Markiplier, please come onto the stage.

I walked onto the stage to find many of the men displeased. 'Did I do something wrong?' The green haired man came onto the stage with a smile. He shook my hand.
Jack: My name is Jack!
Mark: Mark Fischbach.
Jack: Well, Mark Fischbach, welcome to Septiceye.

I felt overwhelming joy. I was picked for the best club? I smiled at the man, Jack, and he led me outside. In the limo we talked about the rules in his club, my hours, my salary, stuff like that. But then he mentioned a tradition amongst all his employees since Septiceye's opening. I would have to dye my hair. I thought about it and quickly blurted out pink. Jack laughed and thought it would be the perfect color. I felt like my life was going to turn around. I looked at the Irish club owner, maybe I got more than a new job today... I think I'm in love with my new boss.

Le Fin

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