A New Beginning

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I looked around the packed bar trying to find someone. It was almost time and I hoped I would find the perfect man before the year was up. I pushed past people who turned and cursed at me. Typical. I pushed past into a clearing and instantly froze. There stood a strong asian man with pure black hair. He looked absolutely gorgeous and the bar lights reflected off his hair giving him a holy effect. He was looking around as well in desperation. I watched him with awe until his eyes finally fell upon me. His eyes lightened and a smile grew on his face. I could instantly tell I was blushing but I smiled as well. He approached me causing nervous excitement to swell up in my chest.

"Hey there handsome."

I looked into his chocolate brown eyes and lightly smiled.

"H- hey."

I heard people begin counting down after I said that one word.


He looked up around taking in the faces of the people around us.


I began to as well thinking he had found his friend or something.


I lowered my head at the thought. Staring at the scuffed, dirty hard floor.


I felt his olive hand grab the bottom of my chin.


He lightly lifted it upwards toward him.


He closed his eyes, hiding those beautiful brown orbs, and leaned towards me.


I took my left arm and wrapped it around his neck while his went around my hip.


I slowly closed my eyes, savoring the moment.


I began to lean towards him as well.


Then our lips connected.


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