I'll keep you Strong

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I sat there with my knees tucked into my chest as I sobbed uncontrollably. Daniel was dead... one of my best friends,  Daniel Kyre, was dead. I didn't want to feel the pain anymore but I knew too well if I did the same thing he did my family and friends would feel as I do now. I will just have to push through this and survive. I had made the video telling people I was going to take a break. I had been sobbing now for what seemed liked hours. My heart wrenched at the loss of him... it was so unexpected. My doorbell ringed but I tried to ignore it. It rang a couple more times before the door actually opened. It must be someone I know if they had a spare key.

It could be any of them... I just stayed in my ball waiting for whoever it was. I couldn't tame my crying in the slightest and it could probably be heard echoing through the whole house. Wait...
Matt and Ryan are at Daniel's parents place.
Bob is still working on college.

The door opened slowly and I didn't want to look up and show the person my face. I felt their arms wrap around me into a hug. I kept my eyes closed but slowly embraced them back, now crying into their chest. They stayed with me while I cried all through the night even as my crying slowed and I slowly fell alseep.

I opened my eyes and was surprised to still be holding onto this mystery person. I didn't want to spoil anything and refused to open my eyes. I felt their hand run through my bright pink florescent hair. They started humming and there was a slight roughness to it, but it was still beautiful. The hums slowly lulled me back to sleep.

This time I woke up there was no longer any one holding me. I felt lonely without their presence. I opened my eyes and looked around my trashed room. There was a suitcase in the corner that I vaguely recognized. I got off my bed and exited the room. Everything looked clean even though I remember trashing the place when I got drunk. I walked around a bit staring, boggled eyed, at the organized rooms. I heard sizzling in the kitchen and headed there. I was shocked to see food being prepared but what really surprised me was the fact Jack was the one cooking. He was humming softly as he cooked, reminding me of the person I had held onto. It was Jack? Jack came all this way to help me out? He finally turned his head and saw me. "Mornin'!" He said cheerily. I gave him an incredulous look but continued on. I sat down and watched him cook, I still can't believe he's here. The plate that was soon set before me looked too delicious for words. A quite large omelette with some bacon and sausage on the side. "Jac-" my voice came out hoarse and quiet. It surprised me and him, I took a drink of water to find my throat was most definitely sore. "Jack... thank you." It was hard to say as my throat burned, and my voice came out very quietly and raspy. He smiled at me, "you're very welcome Mark!" He was really cheerful and maybe he was doing it to counter my depression. I ate silently as did he, leaving us to our thoughts. My mind wandered to Daniel again and I felt tears roll down my raw skined face. "Oh, Mark." Jack's voice made me look up. He had a very small smile and he looked ready to cry as well. He wiped the tears off my cheeks and then kissed them both. My eyes widened but Jack just got up with the dishes. He just kissed me and I enjoyed it? I watched him move around the kitchen occasionally. I got up quietly and headed back to my room. The sight of the messy wreck before me made the tears come back. I flopped onto my bed, clutching my pillow, as I once again wailed like a baby. Jack came eventually or right away, I couldn't tell. He held me once again and I just let him as I clutched the pillow. I was so broken that I didn't care when Jack slowly began to kiss my cheek, my forehead, and then my lips. I joined in the kiss but tears still fell down my face. I was crying because of Daniel and I was crying because of what I was doing to distract myself.

Le Fin.

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