Darkened Skies

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So I wanted to practice writing a script like they would for a movie, so here are the results. Tell me how y'all think I did on it. Anyways love you all, my Assassins! Enjoy the story!


Camera slowly moves towards a house's second-story window. The house is made out of faded red bricks the windows and doors are adorned with dark blue colors.


The room belonging to the window has nothing covering its walls and nothing within the room to represent its owner's personality. A man sits on the bed with his elbows resting on his legs holding up his head with both hands.

The man wears only black clothing, he has dark brown eyes and raven black hair. He has a light stubble and mustache and he has a slightly muscular build. He wears thin framed black glasses.

The man stands up breathing heavily and weaves his fingers through his hair. He looks around the room his gaze stopping at the window. He walks over to the window, pulling back the dark blue curtains, looking outside to see the empty streets.

The man abandons the window and leaves the room. He goes down the stairs quietly and cautiously. Downstairs a man is trying to fall asleep on a black couch.

He's an Irish man with dark red-brown hair. He has blue eyes with a light stubble and mustache. He wears blue sweatpants and gray t-shirt with a black beanie, leaving only some hair hanging out.

The man with the raven hair continues on towards the closet. He opens closet, pulling out a heavy black jacket and a sharp knife. He makes his way to the front door leaving the other man where he is.

VOICE {Irish Accent}

Where are you going, Mark?


I thought you were asleep...

Mark, the man with the raven hair, turns around to meet the voice, the man on the couch. Mark hides the knife in his coat's pocket. The other man notices the movement.


What are you doing up still, Sean?

SEAN {Irish Accent}

I couldn't sleep. Why are you awake though Mark?

Mark shrugs and walks past beyond the couch. Sean sits up and watches Mark's movements. Mark goes and begins shuffling through the kitchen cabinets.

While Sean is moving towards Mark:


Mark? I don't like the way you've been acting recently? You keep disappearing and when you come back you avoid everything.


Don't worry about it Sean. I- I'm fine.


Mark, don't give me that. No excuses anymore. What were you going to do? 

Mark turns around hostilely raising up his hands while yelling:


I don't need you to care about me! What I do is none of your business! Leave me the hell alone Sean!

Mark retreats towards the front door, opening it. Sean grabs him by the shoulder pulling him back into the house. The door is slammed closed by Sean while Mark stands back up angrily. Mark grabs Sean by the neck and holds him against the door.

While Mark slowly brings the knife out of his coat pocket he speaks darkly and quietly:


I told you to leave me alone, Sean.


Mark? Wha- what are you doing?


I told you Sean. I told you...

Mark holds the knife against Sean's stomach with a evil grin across his face. Sean doesn't remove his eyes from meeting Marks'.


Mark, I know you... yo-you don't want to do this to your best friend. Mark please I know this isn't you, please, Mark...

Mark's eyes lose some intensity, his grip loosens, and his smirk falls a bit. Sean continues begging Mark (Improv) until a tear falls out of Mark's eye. Mark's eyes widen and he looks down at his hands, one on Sean's neck the other gripping the knife. He drops the knife and backs away from Sean. He sinks to his knees and grips his head, sobbing into his hands. Sean slowly walks towards Mark cautiously falling to his level, putting a hand on his shoulder.




I'm so s- sorry Sean I'm sor- sorry for everything. I've ki- killed so many- ny people... I'm a monster.


Mark, it's okay. It's okay... shhhh I know, I know.


How do you know Sean?! Tell me how you know!


I don't know Mark... you'll just have to trust me.

Sean stands back up with a small smile. He reaches out his hand for Mark. Mark looks at the hand questionably before hesitantly taking it. Sean pulls him up with now a grin on his face. Mark slowly smiles a bit.


You just stick by me Mark. I'll help you make it through this.


Alright Sean, I- I trust you...


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