Crooked (Part 1)

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I walked into my office, preparing myself for tonight. Tonight was the huge board meeting, and I had to present the new idea the company would follow for the next year. To say I was stressed is an understatement. I wiped the sweat off my forehead and sat down in my chair. I looked through my notes and reorganized them for the fifth time. I looked up hearing my door open. I watched Jack, my secretary, walk towards me with a stack of papers in his hands. He set them down and took a deep breath of relief. "Yes Jack?" I questioned him. He looked up at me and I couldn't read the look on his face. My pink hair fell into my face and Jack quickly brushed it away. I stood up, a bit flustered, causing him to giggle lightly. "Oh Mark, your tie is all crooked." Jack told me. He grabbed my tie and began to fix it. I felt myself blush and looked away. He soon let my tie drop against my chest. "Good luck tonight Mark!" Jack yelled as he left. I took another deep breath and looked back down at my papers.

The board meeting was a huge success and I was cheering myself. I took another shot and turned back towards my colleagues. "That was awesome Mark! You should pitch all the companies ideas." Everyone told me the same thing, praising me. I was too drunk to care, but the praise still subconsciously gave me power. My mind was blurry and the last thing I could remember a blurry figure with green hair talking to me.

The next morning I woke up with a terrible headache. I sat up in my bed, wondering how I even got home. I stumbled into my bathroom and got some pain medicine. When I had composed myself I realized I was naked. I looked back towards the bed hoping not to find someone. My clothes were on the floor strewn around and the sheets were messed up on both sides of the bed. It was obvious what had happened last night, but with who? I rubbed my face and moved towards my closet to get dressed in one of my pressed suits. I hurried to my car and drove to work. When I walked onto my floor I quickly went towards my office. I quickly noticed Jack was not early like he usually is... I would have to ask him why. I slammed the door closed to my office and slumped into my chair. I was absolutely exhausted, my head still hurt and my eyes burned. I closed my eyes deciding a quick nap couldn't hurt.

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