The Afterparty

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*This story is based off of there is a picture. I started this Oneshot after that panel and my god let me say that was one of the best #Septiplier moments I have ever seen!*

The panel had ended and I couldn't help but feel truly sad. I wish I didn't have to joke around with the fan's all glorified ship: Septiplier. I truly wanted it to exist as much as the fans did. Unfortunately I knew all too well that Mark would never love me back. I felt so alive when I "proposed" to Mark and the first stupid that popped into my head was to ask him for us to share subscribers. I felt dreadful when Mark rejected me, but I had to keep the joke up. After all it was only a joke to entertain the audience... Mark wasn't denying me. I slumped in my chair and sighed. I couldn't get the past hour or so out of my head and it was making me feel sick. I wish Mark would love me back... I stood up preparing to head to my hotel room when Mark turned the corner.
M: Jack! I've been looking for you! Hey um... I'm allowed to bring a guest to this youtube party thing. Do you... would you like to come with me?
J: Yeah! Sure Mark! Anytin' for you buddy!

His face lit up and he dragged me along with him. He was explaining the party to me as we walked, but I couldn't help but think about his hand in mine as he pulled me through a maze of hallways. Maybe this party wouldn't be too bad, as long as I was by Mark's side for tonight.

I was so happy when Jack accepted my invitation to go to the party. We were both getting ready and I decided to go with a black polo. It was a bit tight on me, but I'm sure no one would mind to see a bit of my muscles. I worked on my floof trying to make the black hair sit just right on my head. When I got it to my liking there was a knock on my door. I opened it to find the one and only Jacksepticeye.
J: You ready Mark? You take longer than any lass I've known.
M: Yeah come on and do you have your...
J: Of course I got it. Geez Dad.

I chuckled a bit and couldn't help but stare at the strong, skinny Irishman. His slender yet muscle-toned limbs, the paleness of his skins made his blue eyes and reddish hair pop. Everything Jack was, is absolute perfection. Mark wished sometimes that Jack would feel the same way but it was impossible... he was into chicks. Just as Mark thought he was before he met the Irish lad in person. The party was crowded but absolutely fun. Jack and I stuck together; meeting people, drinking, dancing, whatever... it didn't matter as long as Jack was next to him. Soon games were being played and each one was more crazy than the last! When someone yelled out spin the bottle a empty beer bottle appeared in the middle of the already created circle of Youtubers.
Pewdiepie: All right losers since this is my party I got the perfect rules for this game. Whoever it lands on both of ya gotta do 7 minutes in heaven! No one tell Marzia...

There were some cheers through the room, but I was silently praying that Jack wouldn't play the game. As I ssat down in a random free spot I found Jack sitting across the way of me. Damn, I mean I get I have a crush on him but he has his own life. The bottle was spun over and over with seven minute breaks of playing truth and dare. It got to my turn and I was so damn nervous. I really didn't want to go into that closet, at all. I spun the bottle, regretting my decision to play, and watched it as it spun endlessly, forever. It finally stopped and I followed the bottle's neck directing my eyes right on Jack. I felt my heart increase in pace as everyone ooohhhed and awwwed. We were the first pair involving two guys. We both got up nervously and walked towards the closet. I was in a mindless daze not sure what to do, say, or even think. As I entered the closet I pulled the door closed, but not before I heard someone shout, "Septiplier Away!" We were left alone in the quiet closet with a single overhead light. I was in a freaking closet with my crush! But what if he doesn't like me like I do, and I definitely do not want to ruin our friendship.

I was shaking as we were both looking at each other. I didn't want to ruin our great friendship. I mean, I don't mind the situation of having us to kiss, but he must certainly mind.
M: We don't have to do anything if you don't want to Sean.

Now I knew how serious this was. He always called me Jack. But he also said if I don't want to. Does that mean he wants to kiss me?
J: No, Mark, it's fine. I'm okay with this.
M: Okay... damn you're shaking like a leaf!
J: I'm just n-nervous...

Mark moved closer to me and he held my cheek with his hand. We stared into each other's eyes before he closed the gap, giving me the softest most passionate kiss I had ever felt. We broke apart and I smiled.
J: M-mark... I l-love you.
M: So do I...

He then pushed me against the door of the closet and we were intensely making out. We were kissing as if we couldn't live without doing so. I pushed Mark to the ground and in his surprised daze I took the opportunity to jump on top of him. I let my tongue slip into his mouth before he could close it and it felt like we were dancing. Following and matching every move, it was like we were built to match each other. He flipped me on top of my back so that he was now on top of me. He held down my arms as he kissed up and down my neck. When he found my sweet spot I moaned out his name as quietly as I could. I was slowly coming to my senses and I realized that there was a dreadful time limit to this ecstasy.
J: Mark... we need to stop before they call the seven minutes over.
M: Fine... but we will come back to this later.

He got off of me and helped me hide the hickey's he had left. We straightened up our hair and then sat down on the floor facing each other. The seven minutes soon ended and some people threw open the door expecting to catch us in the act.
P: Did you two even kiss?
M: Yes of course we did, Felix.
P: I don't believe you. Well now you gotta kiss in front of everyone.

He had a huge smirk plastered onto his face. After all they had caught everyone else kissing when the door was opened. I shrugged my shoulders and calmly walked into the main room with Mark following me. I whispered to him, "Want to put on a show for them?" He grinned and nodded his head.
P: So since I don't think any Septiplier action occured they gotta kiss here. Record it if you want.

We glared at him while he grinned. He then waved his hands signaling us to go on and kiss already. Mark told me to put my arm around his neck and I obeyed. As soon as I did he put an arm around my lower back and he dipped me backwards. I felt his lips against mine and I felt every feeling rush back, I wanted so much more. We pulled apart as he lifted me back up. Everyone was staring at us with surprise.
P: Showing off as always, eh Mark?
M: I guess now would be a good time as any. Sean? Would you be my boyfriend?

I jumped on Mark, knocking him over, and quickly rushing out a hasty yes before I kissed him again.

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