Pete x Reader (request) 1/3

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Your POV

We're leaving! YAYY! I'm so happy we're leaving this place. Ugh, California is horrible. You might think California would be a great place to be, but no. Its horrible! You wake up to hear beeping car horns and go to sleep hearing all the traffic going on outside because of people that want to get home to their house in the hills. UGHHH. But we're leaving! I'm currently packing up all of my belongings into a box, like my iPhone and laptop. You might think I have friends I'm having to leave behind, but nope. No one likes me. No one at all. Everyone in my school looked at my MCR shirt and black lipstick and turned up their nose. I might dress dark, but my heart is too big for my body. I wish people could look past my looks. Anyway, I heard we're going to a place called South Park, in Colorado. I hope its quiet and cold there. I wanted to move to Canada, but my dad refused. Any who, now we're in the car. They said it would take a really long time, about 17 hours. So, I get in with salt and vinegar chips and a pepsi and prepare for a long drive. Like, a really long drive.

*Timeskip of Clyde Frog*

So we just got to our first pit stop and my legs are seriously cramped. There's no room in the back of the seat for anything whatsoever and it seriously bothers me. I get out of the car and stretch, eagerly pulling the drink out of my dad's hands. I chug it, and drink half in one swig. We get back in the car fur another 4 hours.

*Timeskip once again*

Finally we're here! I jump out of the car, as the wind blows my hair into my face. I spit out some hair and walk inside. I have a feeling this is going to be a good new start.

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