04 - Fault

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Screams filled the room as well as insane laughter.... she did it... she killed someone in front of a bunch of others.

I pushed the men in front of me out of the way and ran to tackle Harley but she saw me run towards her and moved closer to Dick Grayson and held the gun to his head causing me to stop.

The thing that got me the most is that Dick was calm like he knows what to do, like he has gone with this before.

"Hi officer!" she giggled like the annoying brat she is and moved even more closer to Grayson, "I guess I won't make puddin jealous."

~Dick's pov~

'Puddin' got me and had my eyes widen, only if I knew better, it was Harley Quinn. But the funny this is, the woman I saved a few days ago is trying to save me, how crazy.

Sad thing was, the condition <f/n> is in, I doubt she will be able to bring her down. <f/n> arm would still hurt what is probably distracting to her, and high chances are she still has a concussion from all the punches to her head what wouldn't let her think all that well.

Harley then leaned over to me and kissed me cheek and whispered "Goodbye cutie~"

<f/n> moved closer what had Harley point the gun away from me and point at <f/n> as she started laughing.

I couldn't let another person die. I punched Harley in the face as hard as I can. She stumbled back shocked, sorta pissed.

<y/n> ran over and tackled Harley with the chance she had.

~later when more cops show up to take her away owo~
~Your POV~

'Ugh, my arm hurts only more and I just feel disconnected, I just want to sleep.' I thought to myself while seeing cops put Harley in a police car.

Turning around I see Dick Grayson being treated... Pssssh, he didn't look hurt, why do the stupid people of Gotham treasure rich people so much, who knows.

Looking back around. Gordon approaches me with anger in his eyes, "I told you to go back home and rest, officer."

My mind kept jumping as I hesitated to talk, "W-well I though I could use some fun so I came here and watched the party.. You see! I even took my badge with me to make sure this party is under control!"

"Mhm... I did see you as that type of person <l/n>" Gordon splat.

"Uhh, well I-"

"What the hell happened?" I stopped to see Bruce Wayne walking into the scene. Unhappy.

Cops went over to him and explained what happened only making Bruce look pissed. Hey, wouldn't blame him, a criminal just crashed a family member's party... Not knowing that I helped.

"Mr. Wayne." Gordon called, interrupting my thoughts.

Bruce walked over to us with multiple annoying sighs, "Yes?"

"After the event of tonight I think it's best if a cop would stay here for awhile." Gordon said.

"Well, I don't think we need it," Bruce replied, "this.. Harley girl... She seemed to just be a party crasher who got pissed and killed someone, the deal?"

Damn, Bruce Wayne is cold. He doesn't even care. I'm expecting him to become a criminal and for Batman to take him down. (Writer-chan makes reader senpai sound stupid, amazing.)

"Well the deal is, she tried to kill someone in your family, in your house, and I'm gonna get someone to watch over you guys until Batman finds out how all the criminals are getting out of Arkham" Gordon explained to Bruce. "<Y/N>!, and your gonna be the person who is gonna watch over to house."

I was shocked, and a little pissed that I'm gonna stay with rich assholes, "B-but I'm not really well... My arm, my head... My whole body!"

"And that is why. You can house sit because your not well enough to be back on the streets. I'd make you stay at your place and not have you do anything but you seem like you really want something todo, so I'm giving you something todo."

"Uhh. Sir yes sir!"I agreed to his orders.

"We aren't in the army <l/n>." He gave me a happy yet confused face.

~Dick's POV~
I wonder what the hell they are talking about over there.. I'm trying to read their lips but it's to hard to read all three of them.

My hand scratched my head as I started walking over to them, "What's going on?" I step in the group and <f/n> does not look that happiest, but more angered then anything.

Bruce looked at me in silence then started to speak, "Dick, we gonna have a guest for awhile."

Turning around to <f/n> looking at me, knowing it was gonna be her staying here.

I put my hand out and smiled at her, "I'm Dick Grayson... Even though I'm sure you knew that."

Her eyebrow raised but she cracked a smile, "<f/n>.... <l/n>." And shook my hand "Nice to meet you."

These chapters just keep getting shorter //shot

School has been a bitch(not like I've been doing the work or anything, but still) Sorry

Bye ;-;


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