10 - Ticking riddles

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We jumped down, but it was a longer fall then we thought, so Dick grabbed on to me as fast as he could and grappled the top of the roof so we would go down slowly, saving our legs breaking from the fall. Dick lowered us down to the ground into a dark room where blood was trailed.

"Batman, Robin?" he questioned the darkness. I pulled my gun out from my bag while we waited for a respond.

Suddenly a sound of a ticking started and a shine came from the darkness. One of Riddler's bots came out from the darkness with a screen attached. A riddle then showed up on the screen
'I am made by the thousands.
Consider a major asset.
But my function is cease to exist
What am I?'
Was the riddle that showed on the screen.
"Ahh... Cigarette?" I blurt out.

"Matches, fire?!"


Dick froze after my answer and his face was full of worry, "This bot is a bomb."

"Wh...what!" I jumped and yelled, "Break the damn thing!"

"No! I can't do that. I'm not sure if it's timed or triggered. Destroying it mite be what sets it off." He informed me.

"And why did Batman skip this?!"

He walked up to me and gave me a unsure look, "Doesn't matter if he missed it, you need to go find him, he mite have something for stuff like this, but for now I need to stay with this and use my brain to do what I can."

"Yea.. Alright." I stuttered before climbing into a vent. I took the vents because it would be better if other cops didn't know I was here... And sometimes, taking the vents takes me to better places, locked rooms and everything.

After going through the vents for awhile, I bumped into Damian who was also going around in the vents.. Must of been more easy for him though, being short and a kid, "Robin? Why are you in the vents?"

"I should ask the the same for you, <l/n>" he whispered.

I rolled my eyes at him then asked, keeping quiet, "Never mind. Where's Batman?"

"Off doing hero things, what would you think?"

"Oh, is Mr.emotionless trying to be funny, or a smart ass?" I spit at him.

"A smart ass."

"Ah! Anyway, Nightwing mite need your help, he is in the room we all entered from... But I'm not sure how to get back there from here in the vents because I'm sorta stuck and lost myself."

"Then let's get out at the next vent opening, big ass." Damian looked me right in the eyes then turned into the next vent as I followed.

Once we finally found a opening we hopped out, but of course we hopped out into a room full of Riddler's bots.

Damian pulled out his sword from his scabbard, and I gipped my gun out of my bag, "Right, rubber bullets... effective." I sighed. "So, fatass and smartass team up.. And fatass can't do shit. Fun!"

Suddenly all the bots were beat down in a matter of seconds by what seemed to be batarangs, hitting them in the right places.

"Father! I could of gotten that!" Damian yelled out

"Oh, look. It's Batman." I shouted as he walked from the shadows, "Nightwing could really use your help right now."

From what I could see, he looked pissed, then he asked, "Where is he?"

"In the same room that you guys came from- And hey! Why didn't you wait for me?" I gave an answer and a question.

He then walked out of the room but signalled his hand for us to follow him. When walking for sometime I started to notice that he was holding his stomach, what what looked like to be blood, "Uhm... Are you okay?"

"I'm fine, just watch your back."

"Okay.... Just thought I'd ask."

Getting to the room we saw Dick freaking out, not keeping calm for once. He looked freaked and I read the look on his face, it was nothing but worry. To calm him down I walked up to him and kissed his cheek,"It's okay, Batman is here."

I felt so weird kissing his cheek, why did I do it? Why didn't I think of something else?

He didn't seem to move, but he did stop freaking out. He shook his head up and down and stepped back, "Alright.". Dick's expression went back to confident, what made me relax as well.

"Simple." Bruce then walked up to the bot and placed something on it, causing it to shut down.

After the slight panic was over Damian spoke up, "So, should we finish winning this place over?"

I shook my head and giggled, "I sorta am useless and shouldn't be here... I'll go back to the mansion... I have no purpose here." The second thoughts got me, seeing THE Batman bleeding, meaning it was lots of danger for him, and it would be even more worse for me. Even if what I've seen for him things were.. 'simple'. Doesn't mean everything here is that simple for him.

I paced the room and the Dick grabbed me, we walked to the opening in the celling and he brought us back up. We walked the roof with no words spoken, and he brought me down on to the ground outside.

A mumble came from him before going back up, and all I could make out.. was 'thanks'.

It's short, sorry. I just want to make up for not posting. Next chapter should be up in a few days, if not tomorrow.

And yay. I got contacts

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