08 - Nightmare

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Fire is everywhere, blood is shed every direction, screams filled the air and Batman, Nightwing, RedRobin, and Robin laid dead. No... Not just them, even Superman and Martian Manhunter, the Flash... Hell, the whole damn JusticeLeague. Then everything turned black... Why, why can't I see anything?! Why is everyone dead?!
"Wake up!" A fade voice called me, "<f/n>!>"
"Come on! Wake up!"
The darkness started to climb on me as I yelled "No! I don't want to die!"
Then nothing.

I jumped up realizing it was just a dream, I turned to my right to see Dick sitting there with worry over his face. "Dick... What happened?" I grabbed my phone to check the time, 4am.

"I recently got back from patrol, I went to my room to get dressed, then I heard screaming from my room so I ran in and... You must of been having a nightmare... A bad one." Dick told me.

Tears rolled down my face as I looked at him and I placed my hand on his face, "So... Everyone is still alive?"

Dick pulled me in for a hug then whispered into my ear, "Yea, don't worry."

My heart felt warm and safe, being wrapped in a friends arms like that, felt like it lifted all my worries.

He stood up but I hatched on to his hand, "Could you stay?"

His body fell beside mine on the bed, but his back was to mine. He wasn't holding me this time, but I didn't mind. After all he wasn't my lover or anything.

"Night..." I crooked out.

A smirk went in his face, I couldn't see it but I could tell, "Night <f/n>"

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