09 - Mission

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I flopped over on my bed and hit a warm body, a gasps ran from my mouth, but then I remembered what happened last night.. he comforted me.

Rolling of the bed Dick mumbled to me, "Hey, <f/n>. You could of woke me up a nicer way."

"I'm sorry Dick, I didn't mean to, I'm so so sorry-" I was cut off by Dick

"Hey, calm down." He giggled, "It was sarcasm."

"Yea, yea."

Dick pushed himself up from the bed and stood up on the other side of them bed, opposite from me. Worry fell onto his face suddenly so I only had the right to ask, "What's wrong Dick?"

"No <f/n>, it's not me... It's you... I was gonna ask last night, but all I needed to do then was calm you down. But I guess I can ask now, so what was the dream about?"

"I-i...." tears rolled from my face but he just stood there looking at me waiting for an answer, "everyone was dead... All of the heroes I mean... well.. the ones I know about or have seen before. It was terrible.... "

"Well... I hope you're better now." Dick sighed.

"Yea, I'm calmed..." I paused, "Thank you."

Both Richard and myself walked out of my room and downstairs to the living room to see Damian sitting on the couch watching movies, "Grayson, <l/n>. I see you two are awake."

Dick gave him a smirk then a laugh, "Could ya move over?"

Damian just sorta stayed there, didn't care what Dick just said, just seemed to ignore it... What a brat child.

"Move over Dami!" I snapped at him.

Dick set his hand on my shoulder and gave me a concerned look, but for Damian, he moved over.

~Dick's POV~
I looked at her as concern filled me, it wasn't like her to snap at people that way. I walked to the couch and sat down then <f/n> facial expression changed from angry to confused as she sat down beside me.

Damian leaned over and whispered into my ear, "And what's her problem?"

My shoulders shrugged, because well, I didn't have much of an answer myself. Suddenly Bruce walked in and traveled his eyes at us, "Get to the batcave, and <f/n>," he glared at <f/n>, "get your uniform on."

<f/n> shook her head in understanding then got up to run upstairs to put her police uniform on. Damian and I got up to go to batcave to get our suits on. When <f/n> came down, Bruce started to speak.

"It's the Riddler, he has managed to lock down GCPD and all the cops in it-"

"Ahh Bruce!" <f/n> rambled, "Maybe it would make more sense if I wasn't in my uniform and I said I was in town shopping and I found out that GCPD was on lock down a different way... So you know, it's not gonna be sorta suspicious that I had time to get dressed and set.... Because if they are on lock down they most likely won't be able to contact me saying it's fine to help the bats... And.... Well, just saying."

Bruce gave an glare of annoyance then went back to his pokerface, "Yeah. Then go get dressed again.. We will meet you there. Pack your gun, but it only rubber bullets. And Alfred, drive her to Gotham once she is ready."

"Yes Master Wayne."

<f/n> and Alfred went up stairs and looked at Damian and I. He then mumbled, "Let's go."

We showed up at GCPD and waited out on top of the building to keep sight of <f/n> showing up.

"We can't wait for <l/n>. Let's just get going." Damian pled.

Bruce agreed, "Robin is right, we can't wait for a cop."

"Then you guys look for away to get in, I'll wait for <f/n>. We'll meet you two inside." I gave Bruce my response.

The two left to find away inside, what they did, and about ten minutes later <f/n> finally showed up so I hopped down and startled her.

"Nightwing! Don't ever do that again!" She threatened me.

I shrugged what she said off and then grabbed her hip, grappling us back up to the top of the police department, "Batman found away to get in.. And why did you take so long?"

"Well excuseeeeeee me princess(I hope someone gets that reference), I don't have the bat mobile nor a cool bike." she laughed.

I pat her back, then both of us hopped down the hole.

Sorry this is very short, I really needed to update so a short chapter is fine, right?


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