11 - I'm not useless

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I waited and waited for them to show back up. I'd turn the TV back on and off waiting to hear something, and would keep checking down in the batcave for them to show up, but Alfred had it under control waiting in the batcave.

It was such a long day, and waiting for hours. They should've cleared it out by now. But when I turned the TV back on the news said that the place is no longer on lock down, what released tons of anxiety. Yet I decided to keep the TV on.

"Many officers were found dead." The reporter started.
"Did Gotham's heroes fail to save them in time?"
"Should they be stripped of their identities for failing-"

I shut off the TV because I was nothing but pissed, they weren't gonna even talk more about what happened, just about the three shouldn't be aloud to be heroes!? Pathetic!

My mind then switched to then wonder if James was still alive. My hand reached out for my phone on the couch that was with me and I called up his number, hoping for an answer.


"Gordon!" I yelled into the phone, "I was watching the news and- I'm glad you are alright!"

"....yea.. Hey, is Mr.Wayne or Mr.Grayson there? I want to check on them." His tone was lowered, depressed.

I couldn't tell the truth, so my only choice was to lie, "N-no, sorry. Bruce is asleep and Dick is out on a date."

"Alright, thank you <F/N>."

"If you need anything just-" I started but then he hung up the phone.

I pushed myself up off the couch and dragged myself to my room. I felt terrible over all the dead police, what would of happened if I wasn't 'protecting' the house. Would I be one of them? Even feeling worse, is the fact that news teams beat up against our heroes.

My body reached the room, and I slammed the door over. I dropped down onto my bed when I felt tears run my face. Today has been such an off day, starting with the nightmare. Every thing has been making me emotional, weak, useless, not like a cop should be.

Tears formed my eyes and I rolled to my side. I shut my eyes and held myself to relax. My body felt lost, I felt lost. Falling to sleep, I felt broken.
"<F/N>?" A calming voice whispered to me, "Hey, wake up." My eyes opened to Dick looking over me, leaning on me. His hands cuffed my cheeks and he then pulled me up into a hug, "Looks like you were crying, you okay?"

I pushed him off of me and laughed lightly, "Yea. I'm fine, whatever."

"Stop lying," His arms wrapped around me again, not letting me go, "that is ton of bull."

I couldn't lie around him, he was trying to help me, so I let him know "D-Dick... I'm sorry I've been such an ass. It's just... I don't know, ever since Damian's birthday and you went out... Then came back messed up, I felt ... And even more for bad things happening today." My voice cracked.

He brushed his hand in my hair then crackled up, "And we are 'heroes'. It's in the job, to get messed up."

Dick soon let go of me and his blue eyes found my <E/C> eyes. I couldn't help myself any longer, so I pressed my lips on his. Moving my lips away I felt nothing but stupid, "I'm sorry... I shouldn't of!"

"No. It's alright <F/N>..." He assured before lifting a hand up to my face and pulling away a strand up my messy <H/C> hair. Dick's eyes wandered away and he glared at the door for a few seconds, then back at me. Before knowing it his lips were thrown on to mine, but even bitting of the lip was involved.

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