12 - Beach

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~Dick's POV~
When we got back from patrol early in the morning, I wouldn't even talk to Bruce. I just got dressed and dismissed every word he said to me.

Nothing but weak and tired, it was a really long night. But I went to check on <F/N> and when I opened the door I looked at the sight of the beautiful woman sleeping. Walking over to her I bent over and kissed her cheek and a little 'mhm' sound came from her and she pulled a blanket over her head.

"<F/N>... Are you awake?" I asked the girl hiding in the blankets.

"..Ah... Yea...." A bored tone came from the blanket but it made me smirk.

I grabbed the blanket from off of her face and lied myself down beside her face to face, "Good... So.. I was told you thought I was playing you like a game..." But then she flipped her body around so I couldn't see her face.

"Yeah, you seemed sorta rushed... And I didn't think you were that type of person to even have a real relationship." <F/N> mumbled out.

"Wow... That hurt" I rolled off the bed and looked at her, "Just to let you know I've almost been married to two different people before.. And I didn't even feel like I do feel for you."

<F/N> shot up angered, "Please, the keyword 'almost', explain Dick."

"I rather not." I sighed, "Why are you so stubborn?"

"Dick. It's 6am, I rather not argue." her tone calmed down

"I told you yesterday that I love you, I mean it."

Her long(pretend you have long hair if you don't) <H/C> dropped over her face, "I assume Alfred is asleep... I'm gonna make some tea..."She talked without looking at me.

"Okay... But what I was saying befo-"

"Dick. Don't."

She got up and quickly changed out of her sleep clothes into her day time stuff with me watching. Then she rushed out of the room.

I followed her to the kitchen where she was pouring water into a pot and placed it on the stovetop. <F/N> turned around and put her hands in her jean pockets looking right at me, "So.... are we official then?"

My body moved to her and I put one of my hands on her petit smooth face, "Yeah..." I pressed my lips up to hers and moved my other hand to her back. And because why not, I moved my hands farther down and squished her ass.

"-Hey!" Our kiss broke with blush covering her face. Then the pot started screaming(I don't know the correct term for it.)

"Looks like the pot is a fangirl of this ship~"

"Funny boy Grayson." She laughed, "Would you like a cup?"

"That would be great.... Babe." I gave her a smirk.

<F/N> grabbed two mugs and poured in the water then grabbed tea bags and tossed in one each.

"So... You're up early. Where ya going?"

"And why aren't you sleeping?"

I gave her a smug look "I'm just not tired. But still. Where you going?"

"Just out. It doesn't matter... Now does it?" She giggled as she opened the fridge to grab some milk.

<F/N> scooped out the tea bags and poured in some milk, then started stir it up, "Uhm... Can you put some sugar in mine?" I asked.

"Oh wow. I did not see you as the type to want sugar in your damn tea." she snorted as she reach up on the shelves for sugar, "Or is it because your a liar and you are tired- your just trying to get all possible ways to stay awake.. Hhhmmmmm?"

"Alright, alright you got me. So can you please tell me where you're going?" I pled.

She gave me a smile then handed me the tea, "Not sure. Maybe I'll see what stores are open and I'll walk there."

"Walk from here to downtown of Gotham? Ya okay hun." I gave a sarcastic tone, "I'll drive you and I'll shop with you."

"You are to tired Dick. Get some sleep."

I took a sip of my tea and started to speak again, "I'm a 'hero'. I've stayed up seventy two hours before."

"Yeah, sure sure. So what you got?" She laughed.

"Well. I have a normal motorbike for day time shit so we can take that."

"Why not~"

~Your POV~
When we went down to the batcave Dick showed me a second bike that he has for 'Dick Grayson' not Nightwing. It was surprisingly a Harley Davidson, a black one. He tossed me a helmet and I gave it a funny look, "Why do I need this. If you are driving I'm sure we won't get in a accident."

"Oh, but I got to fit in darling."

"Yeah yeah yeah." I gave him a smug look before putting the helmet on.

The drive was nice, the bike had a radio so we listened to some music but we would have to yell to talk to each other. Every so often we would yell random things to one another to make sure neither of us were falling asleep.

He drove us down to the beach to see the early morning sun's reflection on the water. The nice orange red in the bright blue sky shown it was going to be a great day.

He stopped the bike near the sand and he hoped off and helped me down, "Come on!"

He walked us to the pier and to the end of it. We sat down and let our legs hang off hoping Dick wouldn't be a dick and try to push me in.

"I didn't see you much as a water person Richard. I'm getting to know lots of sides to you." I purred.

His arm wrapped around me and he pulled me close with a smirk creeping up on him, "I trust you in many ways <F/N>,... And I want to let you meet some people, some other... 'batfam' members."

Shocked, I pulled away from him, "R-REALLY?!. Ahhhh, it's going to be so fun!"

"Hold up! I didn't see you much as a fangirl person!"

"Heh, shut up Dick." I laughed then punched his shoulder.

We got up and we walked back down the pier.. near the edge and boy did I want a weird reaction from him... So I tripped myself causing to fall off the pier. And the little asshole laughed.

When my body hit the water I was honestly happy the I was lucky enough not to hit some rocks. I also tried to keep my body afloat once I was in there and just to screw with Richard I started yelling, "Help! I-I can't swim!"

He stopped laughing and was quick to jump into the water after me. And he grabbed me, and only I started laughing.

"Hey! Why do you find this funny?! You almost died!" He question well trying to keep us up.

I pushed off of him and started to swim around, "Dick! I'm a cop! You really thought I couldn't swim?!" He then swam after me, swimming back to the beach.

When we got back on land he grabbed my wrist from behind me to turn me around. His face was emotionless but he soon started to look like he was going to cry, "<F/N>...I know it was funny tricking me like that, but I really was scared. Please don't do that again..."

"I won't" I wrapped my arms around is neck and assured him, "I promise."

His smile came back and I pushed my lips up to his for a sweet short kiss.

Ello! Please send me/ask me questions to ask! And so sorry for not updating in so long, very busy but I'm finally done middle school! My next chapter in life is high school and the hype is real lol.
Also.. New cover!

Q: Do you believe in never land
A: nope, sorry baes.. But secretly I mite ;)

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