05 - A new home

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Dick showed me to my room and we both placed boxes of a few of my clothes on the bed.

"Uhh..." I looked him right in the eyes," Thank you for saving... I guess I can't say me... But well everyone there... But .. The gun was right at me and you punched her before she killed me."

Dick put his arm on my shoulder, "No, it's okay. If you didn't step up she would of shot me, so thank you." He winked.

"Uhh, could you show me the house around, I'm not really in the mood to unbox right now."

He took his hand off of my shoulder and put his hands in his jean pockets then nodded his head.

After showing around I plopped down on the couch in the living room, starting to close my eyes.

A young boy walked in with a smirk, "Well you must be officer <f/n>. I'm Damian Wayne, now are you gonna be watching TV or????"

I moved over and passed him the remote, "Wayne?"

The boy turned on the TV and started flipping through the channels with nothing but boredom on his face, "Secret child. Ask my dad about it."

"Okay then.." I got up and walked to the kitchen, meeting Dick there.

"So how is it going?"

"Well." I opened the fridge, "I'm gonna grab something to eat then finish unpacking those boxes.... And where is Bruce? I'm so very confused of who the hell that kid is."

Dick sat up on the counter and looked down at me, "Long story... We may or may not tell you one day. Just don't tell anyone about him."

"Yea, okay." I calmly said


After putting away my stuff I walked up to the mirror on the wall and picked up a hair brush to brush my messy <h/l> <h/c> hair. I still couldn't get over what weird days it's been this week

I let out a sigh and mumbled to my self, "Oh, <f/n>... You're such a mess"

Walking back I laid on my bed just continuing talking to myself, "What is even the point of watching them? What am I going to do? Just stay up all night and watch the house or something?"

I jumped back up and started getting undressed so I could put something more comfortable on, "So annoying. Why did Gordon make me stay here?!"
~Dick's POV~
I was walking down the hall and passed <f/n>'s room, hearing her rambling on about something. Un sure if she was talking to someone else or herself I opened the door to check on her. Opening the door to her with her taking off her shirt with now only her <f/c> bra and panties on. As soon as she noticed she looked up.

"AHH! DON'T YOU KNOW HOW TO KNOCK ON A FUCKING DOOR?" She yelled at me as she grabbed a different shirt and started dressing herself again.

I turned around and and my back facing her, "Uhh, sorry. I just wanted to check on you... I heard you talking ..."

"You better not be lying... pervert." She mumbled the last part but I could still make it out. "I'm dressed now."

I tuned back around at her to see her wearing a Gotham University shirt, black shorts and for some reason knee socks. Her arm was also re-rapped up in bandages.

"Well uhm sorry... I walked out backwards then ran away not even bothering to close the door."
~Your POV~
"Men." I sighed as I sat on my bed and picked up my phone to play 'Cut The Rope'.

A older man dressed proper walked into the room. "Hello Miss.<l/n>. I'm Alfred Pennyworth. The butler."

I put my phone down to wave at him, "Ello!"

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