06 - Family

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<Okay, this chapter is gonna be really short and written differently, don't mind me>

I have been there for two weeks, and all my scars have become less visible, my head was getting better, my arm was healing and I knew whom Batman, Nightwing and Robin were. Dick even told me their stories.

Gordon has even been letting me out with the other cops when Batman and the others, as long as after I go back to watch Mr.Wayne.. But I know something other don't but us, that I was watching them the full time anyway.

Not gonna mention how many times Dick.. I mean Nightwing has saved my ass.

It's been nice watching them and they watch me. They were my friends. I always felt safe with them, mainly with Dick.

They were family to me even if I didn't know them for long, I loved them all like a real family.

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