07 - Demon spawn's birthday

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I woke up in the light blue room to see brightness shine through the window before I hugged my black blankets to cover my face.

There was a thump in the room beside me what caused me to pull the blankets off of my face and looked at my phone to see the time. 11am. I sorta slept in... But there was really nothing for me todo so I was fine.

I pushed myself off of my bed to see what the sound was and walked myself to the room next to me, what was Dick's room.

Opening the door to see Dick laying on the ground. With the bottom to his suit still on.

"Dude, what the hell are you doing?" I joked.

He smirked at me then groaned, "I fell off my bed and my back hurts a ton. A little hard to get my ass up."

I walked over to him so I could help him up but tripped on a blanket laying on the floor leading myself to fall on the floor right beside him.

His chest was bare and my eyes were locked on it as I blushed.

"Like what you see <f/n>?" Dick laughed.

I pushed myself from off of the ground and pulled him up. Once we were both standing our eyes locked. Stepping back breaking our eye contact I started to walk out of the room, "So.. Uhh, would you like something to drink?"

"Ahhhhhh, no thanks."

"Alright, and.. Correct me if I'm wrong Dick, but it's Damian's birthday today, right?"

"Yea.... See you downstairs."
~Dick's POV~
<f/n> closed the door to let me get dressed into real clothes. I pulled down my bottoms from what I never bothered to take off after last nights patrol and slipped on blue jeans and a plain black t-shirt.

Once I got downstairs I walked into the kitchen where <f/n> and Alfred were mixing cake mix.

"So, how many people are coming?" <f/n> turned to Alfred just enough to see I was standing there.

"Just one other person Mam'. Most of  the others that know of him couldn't make it." Alfred gave <f/n> a reply.

<f/n> turned to me and looked back at Alfred, "So, why are we making a cake so early if most parties aren't till night?"

I walked up to them to speak, "It's because we got to patrol more tonight."

"Right... I'm still not used to you rich people being the heroes."


<f/n> gave me a devilish smirk and continued to talk, "So is Bruce gonna keep Damian busy all day?"

"Well, knowing Damian he most likely stayed up all night, so they most likely will just be sleeping and watching movies all day." I responded to her, "And if there is any bad crime in the middle of the day I'm gonna be taking care of it myself."

<f/n> pushed aside the bowl of cake mix and put down another bowl. She reached over on the counter an picked up the box of cereal and opened the fridge for milk. "Here you go. And I'll help you if there is a problem I can help over and ear piece."

"Thanks?.... And don't worry, I have someone for that." I laughed.

"Oh and who?"

"Well, I'm not gonna tell you all of our secrets. But all you need to know is this person's ...code name is Oracle."

"Well alright." She kept her smile but with a raised eyebrow.

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