Chapter 111

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Chuck's pov
I've been waiting for Lana to come. We haven't talk since our fight. She had the interview today and she's still not here. "Are you sure Lizzy is coming?" Charlie ask me. "Can you call her? Her interview was this morning. She must be done with it a long time ago.
- I'll text her." After 10 minutes, someone knock on the door. I run to open before anyone else and when i see Lana i hug her really really tight "I'm sorry! I was so mean yesterday" she hug me back and say "No i'm sorry! You were right. I'll make efforts i promise." She kiss my cheek and mom dad and Charlie comes to hug her.

Lana's pov
"Chucky, Lizzy what do you want me to prepare for dinner?" I look at Chuck and say "Let's all go have dinner somewhere. It's been a long time i didn't went to have dinner" she smiles to me and dad said "yeah fine with me! I'll go get ready." Chuck sits next to me and ask "How was is today?
- Horrible. It couldn't get worst. I'll tell you everything tonight.
- Listen if you don't want to get out, don't do it for me. I understand.
- No Chucky, i'm not letting him hurt me more than he already did." She kiss me on the cheek and say "I'm so proud of you" i smile and mom and dad came to tell us they're ready.

When we arrived i saw Blake's car, and Nikki getting down of it. "Let's change the restaurant." I say, and without waiting for an answer i left. "Why Lana?" Dad ask me worried. "Blake is here with his new girlfriend. I don't want to see him.
- What you guys broke up? Why? And when?
- I don't feel like talking about it right now."

When we were eating, Charlie ask "Lizz, what will you do for your birthday? It's next week.
- I don't think i'll do anything.
- Come on Lanz. Let's prepare a party in your new house.
- I'll think about it."

We had a good time all together, when we got home we watched a movie and then we went to sleep. Since me and Chuck sleep in the same room, we talked about what happened during the interview.

The next morning i woke up to my insta and twitter going crazy. I see what's going on and see this picture i once sent to Blake where i was naked under the sheets of the bed everywhere. I can't believe he posted it! I'll kill him. I get up from bed and wear my clothes and get downstairs to leave. "Lizzy where are you going?" Mom ask. "I'll be right back" i leave and get in the car and drive in less than 10 minutes to his house. Once i'm there i knock on the door like a crazy person untill he opens the door. When he did, he say surprised "Lana?" I push him and start shouting "How could you do this?! You're such a cunt! Isn't it enough?
- Lana stop! What's wrong?
- Don't ask me what's wrong!! What do you fucking want from me?! Just tell me, stop playing those stupid games with me! If you just want to hurt me you did enough! You killed me since you cheated on me! Don't need to show me you're with Nikki or leave the band or even post that fucking picture!!" I slap him and say "I hate you! I hate you more than everything!" He catch my hands for me to stop to hit him and say "which picture? Just explain yourslef." I started to cry and i pushed him away from me. "stop pretending you're not the one who posted that picture. You're the only who have it.
- I'm not understanding anything Lana!
- Just stay away from my life. I never want to see you anymore!!" I walk out of the house and see Brent getting down from a taxi "Elizabeth! Hey." I look at him with my teary eyes and say "Hey. I have to go."

Blake's pov
What is she talking about? She was really angry, i never saw her like this. "Hey brother, i just saw Elizabeth leaving. Why were she here and crying?
- Hey Brent. Actually i don't know. She was talking about a picture but i'm not understanding.
- Want me to call her?
- No, she won't answer right now." I get on social media to see what she was talking about and see the picture she once sent me. She must think i'm the one who posted it, but it was probably leaked. Now everything is clear. But i need to let her know i didn't do this. I start calling on her phone but she's not answering. "Brent i'll be right back" i took my car keys and went to her appartement, but her isn't here. So i went to Chuck's appartement, but here too. I need to find her. I start to call Chuck but she turned off her phone.

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