Chapter 191

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Daniel's pov
Today we have another show. This band and team is amazing. And this Blake everyone keeps talking about is a lucky man. He got the job and the girl. Lana is so beautiful. I'm just sad it's my last day with them all. I just hope they enjoyed it as i did.
After i wore my clothes i go to the balcony to smoke. I see Lana facetiming with someone on her balcony. Probably Blake. She smiling and laughing so much. I'll just pretend i didn't see her.
I go downstairs and join everyone for breakfast. I sit next to Kevin and start eating. Later on, Lana came. She said hi to everyone and told Byron she needs to talk to him. I wonder what she wants to talk about. I could hear my name through their conversation so i really don't know. When they came back i stayed quiet.

Lana's pov

I talked to Blake. He's just feeling lonely there and everyone talking about Daniel annoyed him. I just told Byron about it so he helps me. Once it was time to go to the amphitheatre Daniel came to talk to me: "do you always do that?" He asks a little bit angry. "Do what?
- Ignore people after we had a thing.
- Wait Daniel we didn't had thing. Yesterday we just talked. Nothing happened.
- You're gonna tell me that going for a walk at 4am. Talking for almost 2 hours is nothing?
- Yeah it was nothing! I'm getting married in 1 month and i'm having a baby soon. We're just friends okay?" He takes a deep breath and say "yeah you're right. I'm over reacting or i just hoped too much.
- Wait you didn't think something was gonna happen between us right?
- forget about it.
- Do you really think i was gonna cheat on my fiancé who i'm pregnant with?
- Well yeah i did. But it's my fault." He said walking back to the bus. I can't believe he thought something was gonna happen. I get in the bus and sit next to Ben. "Excited for tonight?
- Yeah. Very excited. As always. But i miss Blake playing with us.
- It's fine it's the last show without him.
- Yeah." I said smiling.

We went to buy sandwishes for lunch and went to the amphitheatre. I decided to go meet fans before i get ready. The band came with me. I signed some albums, some bodies. I took a lot of pictures. A lot of people asked about Blake so i facetimed with him showing him all the fans. They said hi to him and how much they're sad he's not here. He promised that in the next show we'll perform here he'll come. After 2 hours with the fans we went back inside. We ate and started to get ready.

After the show we went to a pub. I was trying to ignore Daniel but he asked to talk to me. So we went out and he said "i'm sorry Lana. For thinking something would happen. I don't want you to hate me.
- I don't hate you. We're still friends. Don't worry.
- We are?
- Of course Daniel.
- Thank you." He hugs me and say "it was all i wanted to say." I just smile and we go back inside. Byron was staring at us worried. I just go sit next to him and let him ask "What was this about?
- Nothing important. He just thanked me.
- Hmm okayy." I smile to him and just look at them drink and smoke. "Guys i will leave. It's just so bad for the baby. And i'm tired. My flight is at 4am. I just want to relax before it." I said bye to everyone and Daniel said he'll come with me since his flight is at 5am. We took a taxi and went back to the hotel. It was normal between us. We talked about normal things.
When we got to the hotel each of us went to our room and get our things ready. When we were done Daniel knocked on my door. I open it and he ask "Do you need help?
- No thank yoy. Just finished.
- Yeah me too. Can i come in?
- yeah sure." I said letting him in. He sits on my bed and say "thank you so much for these two amazing shows.
- Thanks to you. I thought it would be hard to find someone as talented as Blake. But actually it was pretty easy." He laughs and say "i had 2 unforgettable days.
- I'm glad you had fun with us." I say smiling.
I look at the clock and i see that it's time to leave. "I'm sorry Daniel but i have to leave in 5 minutes." He gets up and hugs me tight. I hug him back. "I'm so sorry Daniel. I just want you to know that i really are.
- For what?
- Making you think something would happen.
- it's fine Lana.
- I don't know maybe if you came earlier something would happen but now it's just impossible." He smiles and put his hand on my cheek. My heart started to beat so fast. His face was getting closer and closer untill his lips touch mine. I didn't kiss back. I just didn't stop him. When he stopped he just smile. "I understand. I'm glad to know it. Maybe in the future. Who knows.
- I'm pregant and getting married. I can't do anymore the things i used to do. I'm not that girl anymore. Not since me and Blake are dating.
- He's a lucky man. I hope he'll make you happy.
- Thanks. Um i have to leave.
- Bye" he said smiling and getting away from me. He holds my packs and i open the door. He's gonna help me take them to the taxi. I see Byron standing in front of me. He hugs me and say "Say hi to Blake when you see him.
- Sure" i said fake smiling. I feel so guilty now. Once i have to leave i wave to Daniel and leave. I started crying. I can't believe this happened. I don't want to hurt Blake. I do love him. More than anyone. I just felt like it.

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