Chapter 146

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Lana's pov
I was driving Chuck's car. She was with me and mom and dad were with Charlie in his car. When we arrive to the restaurant, it was full of paparazi. I roll my eyes and ask Chuck "they know about what happened?
- Yeah but they are not sure about it. It's rumors." I nodd and say "okay let's go inside." I hold Chuck's hand not to loose her and walk through them. "Lana are those rumors about you and Blake are true?" "How does it feel to be the reason a couple didn't marry?" "Where is Blake? did he left you for someone else?" I ignore them and pull Chuck inside with me. "Chuck is that true Keegan left you for someone else?"
When we're finally inside i whisper in her ear "i'm sorry because of that
- It's fine i'm used to it. I had to deal with paps even with Keegan." Charlie mom and dad were already there. We sit to their table and order our food.
"So Lana how was your trip? Where did you go?
- We went to Lebanon, visited some places there and then the last 3 days we were a on a boat.
- Had fun?
- yeah. A lot. It's been so long i haven't traveled for vaccation and not for tour. Even tho i miss touring." Mom smiles. Then dad ask "When are you going back to Malibu? You're still in vaccation.
- I don't know. Lately i love New York, even if i miss California. Maybe next week.
- Is Blake going with you?
- I don't know. Still haven't talk about it with him." Then i look at Charlie. "what about you Charlie. No new girls?"
Mom and dad laughs. "Oh my god! Yes! There is someone new. Tell me everything!!
- Her name is Jane. She's 20 and she's French. I'm traveling there next week with her.
- Really? That's great!! Where did you met?
- In a concert. She was next to me, she lost her friends. She asked me to help and i did. She texted me the next morning to ask me how can she thank me. I told her if she goes to dinner with me. And boom." I laughed "that's great Charlie. I'm happy for you" he smiles and answer "I want you to meet her soon."
Our food came and we ate. Before leaving, i told my parents and Charlie to go before me so they don't have to deal with the papz. Then me and Chuck follow them. "Had fun Lana?
- Yeah.
- Was Blake with you?
- Nope." We got in the car before they continue asking any questions. I started to drive fast. When we get home i was so tired so i just throw myself on the bed and fall asleep.

Blake's pov
I went to my mom's house and i'm sleeping there tonight. We talked a lot about Lana and she's happy for me. She even asked to meet her better. They know each other but they never really talked a lot. Mom wants to invite her for dinner tomorrow. She wanted to call her and invite her but it's late. She will do it tomorrow morning. I'm glad she understood the situation. "hunny i'm going to sleep. When you know Lana woke up tell me so i can call her.
- Okay mom. Goodnight.
- Nighty!"

Lana's pov
I woke up to my phone ringing. It's Blake, i smile and answer "I miss you already baby.
- Goodmoring Lana. Um it's Blake's mom." I sit fast and say unfortably "oh i'm sorry. I thought it was Blake. Goodmorning miss Stranathan.
- Oh please call me Monica.
- As you wish Monica. Can i help you with something?
- I hope you don't have plans tonight. You're invited to dinner. I would like to meet you more.
- Um tonight? Yeah sure. Thank you.
- I'm happy you can. See you tonight then. I'll give you Blake.
- Thank you.
- Hello Sunshine.
- Blake i'm gonna kill you.
- Me why?
- When i saw you were calling the first thing i said is that i miss you already. And i was gonna say that i miss mornings next to you already.
- Oh do you? Miss me?" I laugh and say "Why? don't you?
- Of course i do. That's why i want you to come for diner. 
- Yesterday i told Chuck we were gonna see each other with you. But i'll fix that.
- Chuck? Isn't she mad about us? No not anymore. Chuck was hurt because of Keegan, but it's look like she's moving on.
- Yeah i understand. maybe we can go out after tomorrow
- i'll tell her.
- Oh btw i'll come to pick you up. From your house or?
- Yeah i'm going there to get ready.
- Okay be ready at 8
- Deal.
- Goodbye babe
- Bye hunny"
I tell Chuck about tonight and she said she prefere to go tomorrow.
I had lunch here and then go back home to get ready.

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