Chapter 190

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Lana's pov

We're just done with the first show. Now we're gonna go have dinner all together. Daniel was pretty good at the guitar. I didn't even realized it wasn't Blake who was playing. "Guys wait for me in the bus i'll be right back." I say to Ben and Byron.
I call Blake. "Hey babe.
- Heyy. How was the show?
- Very good. The new guitarist is as amazing as you. We couldn't tell if he's you or someone else.
- haha. I hope it was a good show.
- yeah it was. I was worried aboyt it but it's all good. How are you? How is your mom?
- She's fine. She'll come back home tomorrow morning.
- Aww that's good. I'll call her tomorrow.
- Yeah if you want. It will make her happy.
- is something wrong baby? You seems tired.
- i'm fine. Just tired. It's been a long day.
- Hmm okayy."
Daniel comes and say "Um sorry Lana. I came to tell you we're waiting for you. Everyone came." I nodd to him and make i sign that i'm coming.
"Blake i have to go. We're going to have dinner with the band.
- Yeah have fun.
- I love you. I already miss you.
- Yeah bye" and he turn off his phone. I don't know what's wrong with him. Maybe he's just tired. I go to the bus and sit next to Daniel. "Is something wrong?" He asks worried.
"No. It's just Blake, my boyfriend, he's was weird with me on the phone.
- Why?
- I don't know. He said he's tired but j don't know if it's the real reason.
- It's okay. Tonight we'll have fun and you'll talk to him tomorrow" i nodd and smile to him. My show me i got a text, i look at it and see it's byron "you ok?" I look at him, he was sitting at the end of the bus. I smile to him and text him "yh. Don't worry"
Once we get to the place we ordered and ate. We kept laughing because Daniel was telling some funny stories. He's really a nice guy. We told him some of our tour stories too. We really had fun. When we were going back to the hotel i was sitting next to Byron. He asks me "did you and Blake fight?
- No why?
- i talked to him earlier and he started to shout and say that we need to stop talking about Daniel
- What really? He was weird with me but i didn't think it was because of Daniel. I'll talk to him tomorrow morning.
- He probably wanted to be here with us and thinks Daniel took his place.
- Yeah maybe. But Blake is coming back. Daniel is here just for 2 days and that's it.
- i don't know."
Once we get at the hotel each one of us go in our room. It was already late so i didn't call Blake. I will tomorrow morning. I take a shower and go to bed. At 4 am i was still not sleeping. I get up and go on the balcony of my room, just taking some air. "Pst" i hear. I turn and see Daniel standing on his balcony too. I smile and wave to him. "Why are you still awake?" I ask him. "Probably the same reason as you. I can't sleep." I laugh and say "yeah
- Do you want to take a walk with me?
- It's 4 am.
- Yeah i know. But i want to.
- Okay let me wear something and i'll come.
- I'm waiting for you in front of the hotel." I nodd and wear a sweat pants and a white shirt and go down.
We start walking and talking a little bit about everything. "So did you like the show?
- Yeah you're amazing. And all the fans are crazy about you and so nice. I can't wait for tomorrow.
- Yeah they're so good. It's always good to be around them." I see him lighting a cigarette and give it to me. "Um no thanks.
- You stopped?
- I'm pregnant. So yeah i have to stop.
- Oh shit i'm sorry" he throw it on the floor and turn it off with his foot. "You can smoke. I don't mind.
- No no. So you're pregnant from Blake, the old guitarist?
- He's still the guitarist you know. He just couldn't make it.
- Yeah i know. I just loved it a lot. But it's all fine." I only smile to him because i didn't know what to say. "Let's go back to the hotel. I'm starting to get tired.
- Yeah sure." He said and we go back. When we arrive he walk me to my room and once i'm there he say "thanks. For coming with me.
- Thanks to you. It was a good walk." He smiles and kiss me on the cheek. "Bye" i say smiling. And close the door behind me. I'm glad Daniel is not staying long because i have feeling he's gonna create problems between me and Blake.

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