×~¤ Prologue ¤~×

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I run as fast as I can, my breaths becoming shorter with my aching lungs.

I can't let him catch me. Not now. Not ever.

It was a cool, autumn day here in New York, and after spending a whole day in Miss.Brooks level 7 class I was ready to go home.

But that's not what fate had planned for me.

Instead here I was, a fourteen year old helpless girl running for her life from a 16 year old boy who I barely knew.

"WHERE ARE YOU?!" His loud, deep voice rumbles and echos through the tress around me, making it hard to figure out which direction it came from.

A branch under my feet makes a loud cracking sound as I crush it and I feel his footsteps getting closer and closer.

Suddenly, A large, boney hands grabs me from behind as I scream for my life.

But of course no one can hear me as it I am probably In the deepest part of the most deserted forest here in New York.

Meaning no house was in sight for miles.

Meaning no help.

He leads my small body towards his blue pick up truck, throwing me In back and instructing me to strip down from my clothes.

I didn't realize how precious my virginity really was until a single movement took it away in a second.

I was left there, in the middle of the forest with nothing but my coat, undergarments and backpack.

And of the course the left behind condom wrapper that reminds me the events that occurred just minutes before had been real.

With a limp from the pain that shot up my body every time I took a step, I make my way back to the city. I can at least call my parents. And then maybe call the police.

When I had returned home my parents knew everything. My mother was crying and comforting me while my father was on the phone with the authorities, explaining everything to them.

But they never believed us as the man I was trying to get in prison was innocent in the eyes of the public, for he was the the richest business man's son after all.

But in my eyes and the eyes of my family he was seen as a man of crime.

A man who couldn't fool us with his innocent and clever disguise as he had done with the rest of the world.


Please let me know what you think of the prologue!

Stay strong because your beauty is greater than the eye can see.

~Dreamer ♡

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