《~ Part 13 ~》

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2 years ago, on the narrow cobblestone path outside of the building he once called home, 16 year old Tobias stood, alone and cold.....

He had just had another argument  with his father, and of course his father had won.

Like always.

Tobias decided it would be best to stay outside, while his mother and father argued for the 5th time that day.

He didn't usually have big arguments with his parents, but this time it was a touchy subject.

Tobias had recently just started dating Beatrice Prior, the beautiful, 14 year old angel that lived across the street.

His mother was pleased that Tobias was taking bigger steps in his life, and becoming a man slowly.

But his father felt the complete opposite, as once he heard how slowly the relationship was moving, he felt agitated and demanded that Tobias should begin to take things faster.

And faster he meant settle down.

'Son, when I was your age, I settled down with your mother and started a family,  we bought a home, got a loan from the bank, and decided to start a family of our own"

Most of what he had heard felt unreal to Tobias and the uneasy, disappointed look on his Mother's face told him he was right.

His father wasn't exactly the type to be 'loving' and 'kind' to other people, especially his family.

Instead he abused them.

Every time his father would hit Tobias, or throw some pathetic insult in his face, it would be a sign of 'strength' and 'manliness' to take it all in and suck it up.

But was it really?

Tobias disagreed but decided to not take it any further.

When he tried to convince his father that the relationship between Beatrice and himself would grow soon if he gave it time, it backfired, and soon Tobias was standing outside of his own house, feeling cold and lonely from the emptiness he felt inside his heart.

The only comfort he got was knowing that someone out there still loved him truly.

And that someone was his Beatrice Prior.



Part 1 of flashbacks!

Please refer to authors note (recently published before) if you're confused :)

Comment what you think!

~LivingxDreams ♡

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