《~Part 10~》

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A/N: Picture above is an accurate representation  of me in math class :p

The neighborhood was awfully quiet as I strolled through, as if it was grieving for the terrible news I had just heard.


They weren't serious.


I wasn't going back there.

Not even if my life depended on it.

I used to enjoy school..

Until he showed up and ruined everything..


"What do you want?" I step back hesitantly, my right hand on my buldging stomach and the other one clutching my jacket, above my pounding heart.

It was a rainy afternoon and I had just exited the school grounds, and after another day of harassment and bullying from my school mates, I was ready to go home and never show my face again.

Ever again.

"I know who you are 'Tris'.." his smirk grows wider as he holds me hostage in the tiny, rocky corner and I just can't help but notice the look of victory in his blue eyes, knowing that I lost this conversation.

A gleam of satisfaction flashes through his eyes and his big, dry hands grab my wrists, pulling me so close I could smell the fresh mint from his breath.

"I know exactly who you are"

I take a step back, and my back hits the concrete, sending pain up my back.

"L-leave me alone" I say, mustering as much courage and confidence as I could at the time, after all I had a child to protect.

His child.

He steps back, probably noticing how uncomfortable I was.

"Listen, I will only say this once, and only once," he steps alot closer to me, and I almost break down into tears.

"Never hide anything from me, especially when it involves my child" his voice is cold, sharp and stabs me in the ear as I wince at his words.

He is a monster.

I won't let him near my child.

But for both our sakes I nod my head, and he grins in approval, a nasty grin.

"I knew I could trust you, Beatrice"

He turns around and walks away, eyeing me occasionally before disappearing into his shadows.


I lied.

I lied to myself, to my child, but also to him.

And God knows how much longer I have to live before I die in his hands.

At least that's what I thought.

Until I made the shocking discovery that he had forgotten who I was, and everything that had happened.

And now my parents want me to go back to where it all began, and they think it's 'Good' for me.

What. The. Actual. Fuck.

I don't normally curse at my parents but I swear to god they were drunk when they made this decision.

They said I'll start next week, when the new semester starts, and my classes will range from Sophomore level to senior level.

Which sucks really...

A loud "BANG" interrupts my thoughts as I'm passing a small house near mine.

It was the same house I had heard the screams from the other day.

I decide to get closer, to investigate why I keep hearing disturbing noises from this household.

As I get closer I hear shouts coming from the lower floor, which draws me in closer.

I finally reach the closest window which seems to peek through to the living room, so I take a quick look inside.

I gasp and almost scream at the sight.

It was Four, crouched on the couch, blood running down his back, and a black,  leather belt lying on the floor.

But that's not what really surprised me,

It was the box of Memory Loss Medication sitting on the table next him....



This chapter was dedicated to divergentascendant

The winner if my back to school challenge was underlyingprincess
And chapter 11 will be dedicated to her!

Both authors have amazing stories so please check them out when you have the chance!

What are your thoughts on this book soo far?

Lots of love

~LivingxDreams ♡

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