《~Part 5~》

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We were currently sitting in the busiest cafe In the city, waiting for Christina's friends.

Who will, according to her, be my friends.

Lauren and I were making small talk, while I was showing her pictures from my childhood.

Those days were the best.

"Awe" Lauren gushes, staring at a picture of me when I was 10 years old.

I had the cutest haircut, if I have to admit, and I was smiling genuinely.

Something I wish I can do now.

"Sooo Tris," She says looking at me,"I don't see you around much, what school do you go to?" She asks.

Should I tell her?

"I-" I begin to answer her when a loud voice interrupts me.


It was Christina.

She walks over to where I'm sitting and looks, well more like glares at Lauren.

"What are you doing here?" She asks rather harshly, too harsh for my liking.

"I was just hanging out with Tris here, she's meeting a few friends, invited me to come, had no idea she was referring to you as her friend" Lauren replies, quite calmly.

Christina looks at me angry.

"She's bad news Tris, she always is" She warns and I take a glance at Lauren.

Lauren is really sweet, maybe they have a rough past or something.

"I don't know Christina, she seems really sweet to me, I think I'm going to give her a chance" I smile at Lauren and she smiles back, grabbing my hand.

"Tris is right, people should always be given chances, when that chance is gone, then it's up to you to decide your fate with that person"

I nod in agreement.

She was right, people deserve chances, but once you abuse the chance given you can never get it back.


Christina smiles bitterly and opens her mouth to speak before the door to the cafe opens again.

"Hey Chris!" This tanned, teenage boy walks through the door, holding hands with a very pretty girl, they must be dating I think.

"Hey Zeke, Hey Shaun, where's Four?"


Who the hell names there kid four?

We're one, two, and three taken?

"I wondered the same thing you know," Christina says, looking at me.

I look at her confused.

She laughs then finishes,

"when I first met him, I thought his name was weird, but he's actually pretty cool, and there's a reason he's called Four, but know one knows except him and Zeke, they're practically brothers" She says and Shaun nods next to her.

I point to Shaun and and Christina speaks.

"Her name is Shauna not Shaun, Shaun is just a nickname"

I sigh in relief and Shauna smiles,

"So you must be Tris" She says, smiling at me, I give a small smile in return.

The teenage boy, who must be Zeke stands next to her and slings his arm around her, she leans into him and smiles at me.

"This is my boyfriend Zeke," I grin at them, they're soo cute.

"What is she doing here" Zeke spits, pointing towards Lauren.

Why does everyone hate her?

Lauren sighs and gets up,

"I better go" She says and I wave at her, disappointment running through me.

"We can hang out some other time Kay? " I ask her, hopeful.

"Sure!" She beams and leaves the cafe.

A sudden cry breaks the silence following Lauren leaving,

I turn to the stroller to find Emily wailing, her stuffed bunny now on the ground.

"Hey, hey," Zeke coos, picking up the bunny and giving it her.

"She's your sister right?" Shauna says, and I nod in her direction.

I watch as Zeke makes funny faces at Emily, instantly calming her down.

Tears swell up in my eyes as I remember her monster of a father.

She deserves the best father, but sadly she's stuck with a demon, a monster.

Someone she will never meet.

"You alright" Christina asks softly, putting her hand on my shoulder.

I smile briefly at her and nod my head.

"Let's order eh, Four will be here soon" Zeke says, and as if on que, 'Four' walks in the cafe.

Everything was muffled.

The sound audible was the loud gasp from my mouth, and the glass cup shattering on the floor.

Four wasn't a stranger.

Four was Tobias Eaton.

And he was coming back to get me.


A/N :

Dun, dun, dun....

Hmmmm something tells me 'Four' won't remember who Tris is....

Until next time.


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