《~Part 3~》

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I was standing near the farmers market once again, Emily now awake and playing happily with her stuffed bunny.

All of a sudden the atmosphere changes and I'm sitting In what looks like a dressing room.

I feel a tug on my hair and see Christina straightening it, a smile on her face.

"What's happening" I gasp when I notice what I'm wearing.

A wedding dress.

I take a breath, horrified.

"And why am I wearing this" I say, gesturing to the golden, white gown hugging my fragile figure.

She laughs. "You silly, are you really that nervous? It's your wedding day!"

I gape.

My wedding day? What? When? How?

And most importantly...


I feel hesitant to ask..

Right before I could open my mouth, the bells outside chime, and Christina Squeals!

"It's time!"

I get up and follow her out the door, to see my teared up mother and father and Emily! She was dressed in a cute pink, flowery dress, I'm guessing she's the flower girl.

"We are soo proud sweetheart!" My mother says, but I can't help my feel emotionless.

What was there to be proud of, if I don't even know who the groom is.

My dad hooks my arm with his.

Christina enters, then Emily, then it's time,

For me.

My dad walks me to the door, and I finally get a glance at the mystery groom.

You could hear a pin drop.

It was silent.

Except for my beating heart, which was about to fall out of my chest.

Tobias Eaton.

My future husband was Tobias Eaton.

I want to stop myself from walking down the aisle but I can't.

Something is pulling me forward.

The closer and closer I got to him, the more tempted I feel to run away, amd never come back.

I will never marry him, even if my life depends on it.

Emily runs to her 'father' and squeals, jumping into his arms.

He laughs, swinging her around.

His gaze then meets mine and he grins wildly.

"My queen" he whispers, gathering me in his arms, ignoring my struggle to break free.

And until the last vow was said, and the last 'I do' was shared. (Forcefully might I add), I have never wanted to die more in my life.

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