《~Part 2~》

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I stroll through the narrow sidewalks of Chicago as I have decided to get some fresh air for me and my child.

"Ahhhhghrrrrr" Emily attempts to speak. It's adorable to hear and my only wish is for her father to hear these angelic sounds.

But her father is a monster.

And even the most angelic sounds would never get rid of the demon I saw in his eyes.

Walking through the streets I noticed a farmers market a few streets down and decided to head over there.

Just as I was about to cross the road I crash into a tall figure.

It takes a moment for my brain to register what just happened and my first instinct Is to check up on Emily.

And naturally she's still asleep.

"I'm sooo sorry! Are you okay? Oh my gosh!" I only now just hear the cries of the person I just crashed into.

I look up and I'm met with a tall girl, tanned skin, brown eyes and nice medium length hair.

"It's alright" I whisper, barely making eye contact.

"Phew....hey is that your sister?" She asks looking at Emily. "She looks alot like you but you look too young to have a child" Her words make me nervous.

Maybe it's because I haven't talked to anyone but my family in over a year.

Or maybe it's because she's this close to discovering my secret.

"I was just heading over to the farmers market you wanna come?" She asks me, a hopeful gleam in her eyes, she probably sensed how uncomfortable I got after that question and just dropped it.

"Uhh...sure?" I answer with question.

But my subconscious says otherwise.

Is this a good idea?

I mean I know I haven't spoken to anyone my age in a while...or at least I think she's my age.

"How old are you?" I whisper softly.

She looks over at me an smiles.

"16" She replies. "And you?"

"Same" I smile back at her.

"I know that this was really sudden and we only just met but I think with a little time we could become friends" She says and my heart rate quickens.


I haven't had one since seventh grade.

And even then she wasn't my real friend.

I look over at her and notice the softness of her eyes.

I guess I could give her a chance.

"Okay" I whisper towards her and she grins happily.


I manage to smile back at her genuinely and for the first time I feel safe around another person other than my family.

"I should probably head home" I say a little louder than my usual whisper.

"Alright! It was nice meeting you
..." She looks at me.

"Tris" I say with a smile.

"Christina" She says back, it's a pretty name.

"See ya Tris" She waves as she walks away.

I smile as she gets further and further away.

And I decide head home, a real smile plastered on my face.


Humming to myself quitely, with Emily still fast asleep in her stroller, I couldn't help but become curious as I pass a fairly large house and I notice that this one particular house has all the curtains closed.

And it's it's a beautiful sunny day to.

As I got closer I could hear screams and cries of pain coming from inside, and for a split second I thought I was hearing things.

It sounded like myself, the helpless voice of a child drowning in pain.

I managed to make out a shadow through the curtains and made out a young boy and what looks like a man holding belt.

Before I could react the belt from the man's hands comes flying down and slaps the other figure.

I cover my mouth to stop a scream from escaping and quickly run towards home.

Forgetting about the farmers market, the idea long gone;

the only thoughts processing through my mind were those of the horrid actions I had just witnessed moments ago.



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~LivingxDreams ♡

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