《~Part 7~》

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Pain was all I felt.

It was everywhere, travelling from my heart to the rest of my body.

I haven't spoken since I came back from the cafe, sitting in my room everyday staring at the wall.

At least the wall doesn't forget.

My parents tried to talk to me, and while part of me wants to break down and yell out my problems, the other just wants to stay silent.

My mom has been taking care of Emily, because when I try to look at her I only see his face.

The confused, innocent look on his face, not knowing what he did wrong, trying to figure it out.

I had worn the same look when he chased me into the forest. I was innocent and confused, trying to figure out why he picked me.


I cry in my bed, the horrible memories coming back.

A sudden knock interrupts my mourning and I'm met with the goofy face of my brother.

He doesn't say a word, instead he engulfs me in his arms, holding me tightly against him.

"It's going to be okay" he whispers, planting a kiss in my head.

What did I ever do to deserve him as my older brother.

I look up at him and he smiles softly, this gesture causes me to return the smile, but just barely.

"That's my girl" he says, "now come on, Emily misses her Mama"

I nod and get off the Bed, with his help of course, and he leads me downstairs to where my parents were sitting and chatting, Emy asleep on the couch.

"Beatrice!"My mother exclaims happily, setting down the plate of french toast she was holding.

I love french toast.

My mother smiles warmly at me and I couldn't help but smile back.

Who needs friends when you have an amazing and supportive family always by your side.

My phone rings, startling me and my family.

I check the screen, which reads Lauren ♡ and a picture of us together.

I had almost forgotten about her.

I quickly answer the phone call, glad to hear her voice.

"Hey Tris!" She exclaims, and I can feel her smile against the phone.

"Hey" I answer quietly, a small smile creeping on my face.

"Do you wanna hang out today? We can grab some ice cream and take a walk" She suggests.

"Sure" I agree, having no regrets.

At least "Four" won't be there.

"Great! I'll stop by your house in 2 hours, just text me your address Okay?"

I nod my head, but remembering that she can't see me I simply say "Alright" before closing the phone.

The smile never leaving my face.

"Someone's got a date" Caleb teases and I roll my eyes at his remark.

"It's not a date, just an outing with a friend" I say.

He smirks, "A guy friend"

I smack his arm and he laughs, soon my mother, Emy and I join in, and we are all laughing.

"Well I'm glad you're going out today" my mother takes my hand in hers,

"Even if it isn't with a guy" she winks at me, ending the conversation there.

I just smile and continue my breakfast, for once forgetting about the pain and all the bad memories.

The sunlight, filling my shadows.



I don't really know what to do with this story, sorry if it's crappy.

~LivingxDreams ♡

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