Chapter One

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{Harry's Pov}

They're not people. They're monsters.

At least, that's what I tell myself. People think that killing vampires is easy. It's not. Not just physically but also mentally. You don't know weather they have family or anything. But that's the thing, they're monsters. They're not human, they're not people. They kill innocent people, people with families, people who care about them.

I find vampires purely disgusting yet I always feel some sort of guilt after killing one of them. But I know I'm not the only one doing it. Sure, I'm good at what I do, I'm one of the best, who am I kidding? I am the best. But I know I'm not the only one doing it.

There have been vampires just magically disappearing. If you're wondering how I know that, I track down the blood suckers so I know where they are. Tons of them have gone missing and all of the hunters I know around this area haven't stepped foot here. We have territories but we're not strict on them, we normally stick to one place. Like I get to protect London.

Turns out I'm not the only one. Which is fine but I just want to meet the hunter. He's good, almost 100 vampires in a week have gone missing, they haven't just ran off, though. Myself and a few other hunters put sensors around the boundaries of London. If anybody without a pulse gets passed, we know. That hasn't gone off in months.

"Haz, are you okay? You look like you're deep in thought." One of my best friends, Niall asked. He had a thick Irish accent, and was just outgoing and so happy. He knows about what I do but it doesn't mean he's happy with it.

"Maybe he's deciding that vampire hunting isn't for him?" Liam, my other best friend, suggested. He's from Wolverhampton and is really caring and kind. Obviously, he does not like what I do.

"Geez! I've been hunting for years now, I'm not going to quit! I'm perfectly happy with it and I get payed quite a bit to do it so it's a win win." I smiled. "The world has less vampires and I'm rich."

I work for a company that specialise in vampire hunting. Nobody knows about them apart from vampires and the people who work there. Oh, and Liam and Niall.

The boss is Ed Sheeran, he's really good at what he does. He's an amazing vampire hunter, so he set up a secret thing and now it's pretty big. Some of the guys I've met there, they're great. Tom Fletcher, Dougie Poynter, Danny Jones and Harry Judd are the vampire hunters in Manchester, Liverpool, Doncaster and Cheshire. They all work together, so they can cover a massive patch of land. Then there are three others who work together and they cover Wolverhampton, Bradford, and Bristol. They are Matt Willis, James Bourne and Charlie Simpson. The seven of them are great guys, they're all so close and they're awesome at what they do. I haven't seen them in ages, though. I do, in a funny way, miss the immature lads.

"We can dream, Harold!" Liam laughed.

Well, I should really introduce myself. I've introduced everyone else but myself.

I'm Harry Styles, I'm a vampire hunter ( as you know). I'm 21 years old. My best friends are Liam Payne and Niall Horan who are both 22, and then the only other friends I've got are Ed Sheeran, who's the same age as me, Tom Fletcher, Dougie Poynter, Matt Willis and James Bourne, who are all 30, Danny Jones, Charie Simpson and Harry Judd who are all 31. Yeah, there's an age difference.

I have one sister, Gemma, and she is two years older than me. I live on my own, I moved out of my parents house when I started hunting at the age of 18.
I don't have a girlfriend or boyfriend. Yes, I'm bisexual, but that doesn't really matter. I can't date because of this job. Yeah, other hunters can, with precaution, but because I'm one of the most well known, it wouldn't be smart. Just having Liam and Niall is dangerous. They could get hurt, and they know that. So they're careful.

Maybe One Day (L.S au) -Completed-Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora