Chapter Sixteen

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"I genuinely don't know what to say," Ashton stated. "Don't get too close to him. Don't look at him in the eyes. Don't underestimate him. That's all I can give you guys."

Zayn asked Ashton if he could give us any advice on beating this vamp but Ashton didn't know. We all know how to hunt, but that's all we need, really. We just need to understand his power. Which we don't. At all. We already knew not to look at a vampire in the eyes but apparently, it's even worse for this guy. It's weird and I hate it. Seriously hate it.

"Don't get too close to him?" Louis repeated. "We have to kill the guy. What're we meant to do? Give him dirty looks from across the room until he dies?"

Ashton just rolled his eyes in response, which was to be expected. It was obvious that Louis sometimes irritated Ashton and it was highly amusing. Until they started screaming at each other. Then it wasn't.

"I'll kill him." Ashton sighed. "I can rip his heart out easily. It'll be safer for me to do it." Which I one hundred percent agree with. It would make no sense if we struggled to do that when Ashton could do it effortlessly. That's scary. He can literally kill all of us right now but he isn't. He knows that we're all armed, though. We always are and it's nothing to do with Ashton, well, for me it isn't anyway, but it's habit. I always have a stake on me, purely because vampires know who I am, Louis and Zayn are because I don't think they trust Ashton yet and just in case they run into a murderous vampire.

"What are we going to do then?" Zayn asked. "From what it sounds like, we're risking our lives for no reason."

I sort of agree with Zayn, there. We're doing fuck all and Ashton's doing the majority of the work purely because he's a vampire. Like man, we have to do something.

"He's going to have a ton of minions with him, I need you guys to help with that. Then there's finding his captives." Ashton replied. "It'll be a death wish if I go alone. If we want to do this, we need to do this together. We've got no chance otherwise."

Then I understood why Ashton hated this. He was scared. For once in his life, he was scared. He didn't want to die when he finally had something to live for. When Louis almost killed him when we all met, he said 'I finally have a life, I'm gonna put up a fight' and I guess I understand why he's so reluctant to do this. I now have Louis. I don't... I don't want to lose him. I know it sounds stupid and all, but I don't care. I finally found a guy I liked and suddenly I've been thrown in the deep end, the chances of getting out alive are slim and... I just don't want to lose him. I'm hoping Louis feels the same about me. Then there's Zayn who has Liam. Liam really cares about him and it... sucks. We all finally find someone and then we have to go and do a fucking suicide mission. This is so unfair.

I could tell that we all felt the same. None of us wanted to do this. The atmosphere in the room was so... dark. It really was hard. We all understood the risks of this and I guess none of us really had any hope. I mean, what are the chances that the hunters he took are still alive? They're probably dead and he's just keeping the bodies to keep us wondering. This is all so fucking pointless but if we don't do this, he'll carry on killing innocent people.

I wonder if Zayn's told Liam about this mission yet. I haven't, I haven't even told Niall... I should. I mean, they deserve to know this. Mum already knows, she's probably told Gemma, so I just need to tell Liam and Niall. I don't want to, but it's the least they deserve. They've helped me with so much, they're always there for me, I need to tell them about this. Especially since we're actually doing it in two days. That's depressing. Two days until we do this. I don't want to.

I had a text and it was from Liam, saying they were outside then the front door opened. Of course. They came into the room and Liam's face lit up when he saw Zayn and Zayn did the same.

"Geez, the atmosphere in this room is so fucking depressing," Niall commented.

"Probably because this situation is so fucking depressing." Louis frowned. I rested my head on his shoulder and he put his arm around my shoulder, rubbing it slightly.

"What's happening?" Liam asked. He looked worried and I felt bad. Niall started to look concerned too. Zayn beckoned for Liam to sit next to him and Liam complied, Niall just sat on the chair closest to him.

"We have this mission. We're not really hopeful about it so we're just moping around wishing we didn't have to do it." Zayn replied, looking really sad.

"Why can't you pull out?" Niall questioned.

"If we don't do it, who will?" Louis answered. "He's killed so many people, we have to try."

"What the fuck?" Liam sounded pissed. "How long have you guys hidden this from us?"

"We've known for about two weeks. We thought we had longer to prepare but we now have to do it by the end of the week." Ashton explained.

"When are you leaving?" Liam asked.

"Two days," Zayn replied.

That was heartbreaking. Liam looked like he was about to cry, so did Niall and Zayn. Ashton looked deep in thought and Louis looked emotionless. This can't be how we spend these two days! We need to be hopeful, we should have fun! We need to get our minds off of this. I'm not spending the next two days like this.

"Ash, phone the guys," I started, "Niall, call Josh."

"What're you planning?" Zayn asked warily.

"We can't spend the next two days like this!" I frowned. "C'mon guys, we have a chance of beating this guy. Why are we moping around like this? We need to have fun! We need to take our minds off of this! Let's all have some fun. I've got drinks, got food, let's all have a night where we just have fun for one night of our fucking lives!"

"Texting them." Ashton sighed, taking out his phone. Niall did the same and I smiled.

This is how we should be spending these next few days. Having fun, making fun memories. We will get out of this alive. We have to.

A.N/ This was written in an hour but it's like a month late so I seriously apologise for that. I've had some serious writer's block but hopefully, I will update... maybe Friday. Probably not but it could be the last time I have data for a week. I will write my arse off until then. But this is nearing its end. I've been writing this for over a year (I know what you're thinking, only 16 chapters in over a year? Like, yeah. I have ideas then leave them. I'm annoying) But I'm seriously happy that I'm actually coming back to this and finishing it. Hopefully, after I finish this I'll bring out a new fic. Who knows? I'll probably be finishing Death Of Love though. It's terrible, don't read it. Chances are nobody's reading this but ah well... If you are then I have an Instagram account where I post little sneak peaks at my fics... I just posted a sneak peek at a fic I'm working on so check it out if you want, it's Dizzy_Royal_Renegade and I shall see you guys in the next chapter. Bye :)

Okay it's been a few months since I published this and I don't use that account much anymore. I'll try to get back into it but it's me and I probably won't.

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