Chapter Twenty

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"Right, I'll go look down this way," I said quietly.

"Zayn and I will go this way." Ashton pointed towards a door in the opposite direction I was going in.

"I'll go straight ahead," Lou stated. We all went our separate ways and I tightened my hold on the stake in my hand.

There weren't any vampires around, weirdly. It was really quiet which was very nerve-wracking. Why wouldn't they be? I slowly opened the door that the narrow hallway led to. I walked down the stairs that were behind the door and it led to a small corridor with cell-like rooms in there. I walked down there only to find someone in one of the cells. I didn't recognise him but he was human and conscious. He had brown feathery hair and pale skin, he was pretty hot. Why did I think that? Lou and I literally just confessed our love for each other then I go thinking that some guy is hot?

"Who are you?" The guy asked, seeming wary. He had a British accent with an American accent combined with it, it was really weird.

"Harry," I replied. "Harry Styles. And you are?"

"Oh. Didn't expect that." The guy chuckled. "I'm Alex. So, are we going to get to know each other or are you going to get me out of here?" Well, I now know where Louis gets his attitude from.

"Are there any others?" I questioned.

"Yeah, two others. They're somewhere around here." Alex answered and I nodded, jamming a small knife into the keyhole until it finally unlocked. Alex got up and walked out, grabbing the knife from my hand. "I know where they are, follow me."

I followed him, seeing as he was confident walking around this place. "Do you know where you're going?" I asked.

"I've been here for almost two months, I've had enough time to learn where everything is." He explained, not stopping. "How'd you know to let me out? I could've been anyone."

"My boss gave me your name and I know a friend of yours." I sighed. "I don't necessarily trust you but I know of you."

"Who do you know?" He asked, turning down into another hallway.

"Louis." I replied and he smiled.

"So he found his way to London." He hummed. "Is he here?" I nodded and he rolled his eyes fondly. "Of course he is. He's a fucking idiot."

"Alex?" A voice called from a cell not far from where we were. We then stopped in front of one with a guy in it who had ginger hair with yet again pale skin. I guessed that it was Patrick.

Alex started picking the lock with a knife and unlocked it, Patrick then coming out. I handed him a silver knife and he thanked me and we carried on walking until we reached another cell with another guy in it. Dougie.

I unlocked the door and he got out, smiling at me. "Well you took your fucking time, didn't you, Styles?" He joked.

"You try finding this goddamn place." I smiled and handed him a knife. Somehow I still had two knives left. "I need to head back upstairs, what're you guys doing?" I asked them.

"Helping," Patrick replied. "We're not going to sit around doing nothing. You guys need all the help you can get around here."

"We'll make sure there aren't any vamps around, you go get that son of a bitch." Alex agreed.

"Don't get hurt," Dougie said.

"That goes for you guys too," I stated and we split up. I went back the way I came and found Ashton and Zayn halfway there. They had blood on them and I was seriously hoping that it was not theirs. It was weird because I hadn't seen a single vampire yet, it was worrying. I was hoping that Ashton and Zayn had otherwise I'd be petrified as to why they had blood all over them.

"Is that blood yours?" I asked. I didn't know if I wanted to know the answer but I asked anyway.

"No, ran into a few vampires. We're fine." Zayn replied. I nodded and internally thanked them for not being stupid and getting hurt. "What about you? Found anything?"

"Alex, Patrick and Dougie are out and are helping kill the vampires," I answered and Zayn smiled.

"They're okay?" He smiled hopefully.

"Yeah, maybe a few scratches here and there but they're still human and breathing." I grinned. That was one thing down.

We walked around quietly, trying to find where to go. This place was like a TARDIS, bigger on the inside. Way, way bigger. We found pools of vampire blood and assumed that Louis had been there. The place actually looked really clean on the inside, which was weird. Apart from the pools of blood, the guys left it was really clean and tidy. They must've been planning this for ages.

A vampire suddenly came down from the ceiling but Ashton pushed it away and I staked its heart, instantly killing it. Well, that woke me up. "Fuck, that was close." Ashton frowned.

"First vampire I've seen today," I stated. "Well, apart from you."

"You're lucky," Zayn said and started walking again. We turned a corner and froze. There were about five vampire bodies on the floor, all dead. There was a lot of blood and a trail making its way down the hallway. Lou came this way...

"It's vampire blood," Ashton stated. "It's not Louis'."

"Then why's there a fucking trail?" Zayn asked, seemingly worried.

"I don't fucking know!" Ashton replied. Well, they're back to their usual selves again. Fuck me.

I started following the trail, Ashton warning me that it wasn't a good idea. I knew that it wasn't, but I did it anyway. Eventually, they both started following me. The blood trail started fading and then stopped, leaving us in the middle of a hall with multiple rooms around. That worked well.

"What do we do now?" Zayn asked. "We can't really check every room, that would take ages." He had a point but that's what we needed to do. That was our only option. It was the only way we could find where Louis went.

We started aimlessly walking around the corridor, not knowing what to do. The hallway led to another two which didn't help. We would be searching for hours because for some reason these hallways were never fucking ending. I have never hated walking so much in my life. I needed to make sure that Lou was okay. That's all I had to do. I needed him to be safe. I couldn't let anything happen to him. He was the only thing I could think of. It was bad that I was distracted but I couldn't help it. My mind was filled with Louis and weirdly, I was okay with that.

Then we heard a scream from the opposite end of the hall.

It was Lou...

A.N/ oooh, cliffhanger... Sort of... My crappy version of a cliffhanger... and I was meant to update this last night but I fell asleep... sorry

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