Chapter Fifteen

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Why now? What happened to 'preparing ourselves to make sure we can do it'? Why has he arrived at 3am with shitty news? Who does that? Well, Ed obviously. He sucks sometimes. The last time we spoke about this, he said we had a month and that was last week. Now he wants us to do it now?

"Why?" I asked. I needed to know.

"He's taken more vampires, it won't be long until he takes more," Ed replied. So we're practically handing ourselves over to him to save him taking hunters off the street?

"How long do we have?" I questioned.

"Two weeks maximum." He answered. Two weeks? How does he expect us to do that? We're human, it's nearly impossible! There's no way we could do this in two weeks without a vampire. Absolutely no way. Why can't Ashton just get his head out of his arse and help us?

"We'll do our best," I stated and Ed hummed in agreement.

"Better had."


I barely slept. I had two hours and I was dying. I text Ashton to tell him what Ed said and he said that he'd be down at ten, which was in ten minutes. I was really becoming scared about this. I didn't want to do it. I had to, but it didn't mean I was happy about it.

There was a knock at the door and I answered, seeing Ashton waiting. I let him in and we both sat in the living room and he looked concerned.

"You know I don't want to do this." Ashton frowned and I nodded.

"I know, I just need as much help as I can get now." I sighed. "I really want to back out of it but I can't."

"I don't want to do this, but I will," Ashton stated. "You guys need a vampire to help and I told you when we met that I'd help with anything. I mean that."

I couldn't be happier. Ashton had finally agreed to help and it was amazing. The fact that he's helping even when he said he wouldn't is great! I guess after hearing what Gerard said he's come to his senses.

"Thank you so much!" I smiled and he did too.

"Do Louis and Zayn know?" He asked.

"No, I haven't told them yet," I replied, pulling my phone out to tell them what Ed and Ashton had said.

"How're things with you and Louis?" He questioned and I smiled.

"We're now boyfriends." I grinned and Ashton smiled.

"Congrats, man!" He smiled. "Seeing as you hated him when you first met you're doing rather well."

"Fuck you." I joked and he laughed.

I received a reply from Louis and he didn't seem to happy.

'How are we meant to do this? Ashton helping is great but there are four of us, there's got to be at least fifty of them! x'

He has a point, I suppose. I knew that he was just concerned about Zayn mainly, him never really being physically involved in hunting, only tracking vampires down. It just wasn't Zayn's thing. I can see where he's coming from, I'd much rather be behind the scenes, tracking vampires down and getting the weapons but I got convinced into doing the physical work. Ed really owes me for all this. He drags me into this business, tries to make me do the impossible and comes to my house at three in the frickin morning to have tea. Why do I just let this happen?

Why did I even get into this? The pay, really, but apart from that? I don't know. I was young, I thought that this would be great. I was so wrong. I mean, sure I enjoy doing it, but is it worth it? Worth the hassle of not being able to have a normal relationship with someone? Worth being careful about friends? Worth not being able to talk to family in fear of them being found? I can't stop anyway, I'm known now. It's not like vampires are just going to randomly forget about me. That sucks. Get it? Sucks? Vampires? Vampires suck blood? No? Not funny? Nah.

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