Chapter Thirteen

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Should've set my alarm last night. That's my biggest regret. I. Am. Such. An. Idiot. I have ten minutes to get ready before Lou picks me up. I. Hate. Myself. At. The. Moment.

I threw a plain black shirt on with black skinny jeans and white sparkly ankle boots, and my white leather jacket. I left my hair as it was because it sort of looked alright, and raced to the front door when I heard knocking. I opened the door and saw Lou waiting. He looked amazing. He was wearing a vans t-shirt with a black leather jacket, black skinny jeans (what a surprise) and black vans. I wonder if he likes vans?

"You look amazing." Lou grinned.

"I look a mess." I disagreed. "I had ten minutes to get ready."

"You'd look good in anything, though." Lou smiled then kissed me. Not long later, there was a car beeping and it became obvious Zayn was impatient.


After a lot and I mean a lot of arguing, we finally got to Gerard's. What should've been a half an hour drive ended up being just over an hour. We shouldn't have let Zayn drive. Zayn knocked on the door and not long later Ashton answered, looking pretty tired. I didn't think vampires had to sleep? He let us in and led us into the living room where two people were sat on a sofa cuddling. One, with bright red hair, was obviously a vampire, with his deathly pale skin, and the other was human. I think. I hope.

"Guys, this is Gerard," Ashton pointed to the vampire, "and Frank." He pointed to the human. "This is Harry, Zayn and Louis." He pointed at us individually and Gerard grinned, and it was oddly calming?

"Nice to finally meet you three." He smiled, his thick American accent indicating where he was from. "Take a seat, I won't bite." And somehow, not even that was creepy.

We all sat down, Lou and I on one two-seater and Zayn and Ashton on the other. It's weird seeing Zayn sitting that close to Ashton without a weapon. It's only because Louis has it.

"Tea? Coffee?" Gerard offered, and we all declined. "Okay then. What do you guys want to know?"

"Basics," Zayn answered.

"Right." Gerard nodded. "He's ancient. Older than most vampires, at least a thousand years old. Nobody knows his name. He's kept that hidden. He must've been turned in his twenties, he looks young. He can control humans and vampires, he's got the power that no vampire has."

"You've seen him before?" Louis asked. From what Gerard said, he must've. How else would he know what that vampire looks like?

"Yeah, but that doesn't matter." Gerard frowned. "If you stake him don't miss his heart, but that won't kill him; it would leave him powerless for a while. You need to rip his heart out."

Ah... if we don't have a vampire with us, we're fucked. Literally. We won't be able to rip his heart out quick enough, he'd kill us before we could kill him. This sucks. The only thing we're getting from coming here is that if we do this alone we're dead. I already hate this.

"But what does he look like?" Zayn asked. "That would help us."

Okay, Zayn has a point. We could accidentally kill the wrong guy thinking that that was the guy. That would probably happen knowing us.

"He's about 6 foot tall, ginger hair, blue eyes and that's all I know, really," Gerard replied. "He's hot, too." Which earned him a slap on the hand from Frank, which made us chuckle. "But you're hotter."

Maybe One Day (L.S au) -Completed-Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora