Chapter Fourteen

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I can't believe it! He actually asked me to be his boyfriend! I mean, how great is that? Even twelve hours later I'm ecstatic about it. I mean, he is sleeping next to me at the moment, how could I forget about it? How could I forget the sleeping beauty next to me, and the way his delicate eyelashes rest on his sharp cheekbones, the way he looks so, so peaceful and not at all like the cocky prick he is. Don't get me wrong, he's amazing, kind, generous, selfless, loving, the list could go on, but he is a cocky little shit.

Last night was amazing. He's never like that but I actually saw a vulnerable Louis. I've seen it once before but as soon as it was there it was gone. I actually saw him scared for once and it made me like him even more. It proves that he isn't constantly a dick. After our date though, he came back to mine because it was less to walk. Nothing to do with the fact that we didn't want to part. Not at all.

I heard the sheets rustling beside me and I turned over, seeing Louis open his tired eyes. Okay, his bed hair is strangely hot. Mine is not. He looked at me and I smiled lazily and he smiled back.

"Morning." He spoke and oh my God his voice... holy shit. It was raspy and oh so hot.

"Afternoon." I corrected and he looked at me confusedly. "It's one pm." He looked shocked and I chuckled, making him roll his eyes jokingly.

"Oh." He mustered up. "Afternoon then." He chuckled. "How long have you been up?"

"Literally like five minutes," I replied. I really didn't want to get up. At all. I just wanted to lay here in bed and never ever get up. Unless it's for food. Or shoes.

"I don't want to get up." He frowned, cuddling into the blankets even more.

"Same." I sighed, copying his actions. Then some prick knocked the door. Why? Why can't they just let us lay in bed all afternoon? All of eternity, even?

I groaned and got up, heading towards the door. I heard Louis getting up too so I didn't bother closing the bedroom door. The person knocked again and I rolled my eyes, opening the door. Standing behind it were Liam, Niall and Zayn. Of course. Liam looked at me weirdly and it was at that point I realised that I was shirtless. Not that I cared, nothing that Liam and Niall haven't seen before.

"What?" I asked, inviting them in. I closed the door and then Louis came out, also topless, his arms folded in front of his chest. Yeah, I hate him at the moment. He's so fucking beautiful and I love/hate it.

"Of course you're both fucking." Zayn chuckled. "Last night went well, then?"

"Shut up. I just came back here afterwards." Louis groaned, glaring at Zayn.

"You never told me that, I was worrying when I woke up and you weren't there," Zayn stated and then Louis looked guilty. How dare Zayn?

"Oh my God I'm sorry, I forgot to text you." Louis apologised and I actually wanted to go hug him.

"It's fine, Liam guessed you would be here." Zayn shrugged. Liam was at Zayn's last night? God, they move fast.

"Of course you're both fucking." Louis teased and Zayn playfully slapped him. They have a very violent friendship.

"So, tea?" I offered. They're not going to leave anytime soon.


We sat there talking for hours and it was amazing. I told Niall that he should invite Josh next time and he agreed. He really likes Josh and it's cute. It's amazing to see both of my friends with people they really like and care about. I've seen them go through relationships that didn't end well before and I really hope that that doesn't happen again. It was hard to see them like that, but Zayn and Josh are nice guys and I hope that they don't break Liam and Niall's hearts.

Maybe One Day (L.S au) -Completed-Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang