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We cried. The next night we burnt the body at my house and Zayn and I cried. Ashton didn't but he's an emotionless prick. It was hell. We went back to Lou and Zayn's old place, Zayn packed his things, occasionally knicking some of Lou's band shirts and I grabbed a few of his oversized jumpers and hoodies. We were looking around his now empty room, his stuff was in boxes in the car along with Zayn's. Zayn sat down on the bed and looked out of the window. "I'll miss this place but I can't stay here."

"Are you going to stop hunting?" I asked.

"I don't know, are you?" Zayn frowned, looking deep in thought.

"No. It's always been a risk getting killed while hunting, what's the point of stopping now?" I replied. Zayn nodded and Ashton walked in.

"Everything's in the car." He stated.

"Y'know, maybe I won't stop hunting." Zayn sighed. "We were a great team, as you said, why stop now?"

"That's the spirit." Ashton smiled softly. "I love you guys."

"I love you guys too." I grinned.

"It pains me to admit it but same, I love you guys." Zayn smiled happily. "No homo, though."

"Oh dude, shut up." Ashton chuckled. "All the fucking homo, bitch." We all laughed and forgot about the pain. It was great to be joking like that again.

We went quiet for a bit, not really knowing what to say. It wasn't awkward, it was a comfortable silence. Then I realised something that I hadn't asked. "What did you guys know about Lou that I didn't?"

"What do you mean?" Zayn questioned.

"You two argued about something then in that room the guy was talking about secrets. He said that you knew and that Ashton had his suspicions. Don't keep it from me." I frowned. Ashton and Zayn looked at each other, almost willing for the other to say but then Zayn sighed and started explaining.

"Lou... he had a... he was a drug addict," Zayn stated. "It wasn't that bad when I met him but it got worse, to the point where he was smoking, snorting and injecting shit I'd never heard of and was constantly high off of something. When he met you he was at his worst. I made him promise to me months before that that he'd try to stop and he did try. When he met you, he was withdrawing. He was snappy and it was hell. Then as you two got closer I never noticed him high, I genuinely thought that he'd stopped but that day we argued, I went through his weapons and found a bag of coke. That's why I was pissed. I shouldn't have yelled or anything but I thought that he'd stopped and I was frustrated and yeah. That's why I knew what he wanted to be done with his body when he died. I told him that he'd die if he didn't stop and his response was 'then burn my body when it happens'. It was hell. I don't know how Ashton knew though." I... How could he keep that from me? How didn't I know? How could I not tell?

"Vampire vision and smell. I could smell it on him constantly. He was good at hiding that he was high but I noticed everything. He hid it well, I thought that you guys knew that he was on something. I should've said, I'm sorry." Ashton frowned.

"Don't be. I didn't look hard enough for the signs." Zayn shrugged.

"I didn't notice anything at all!" I cried. "I was such a shitty boyfriend. I never noticed that he was ever on anything, I never noticed that he was addicted to drugs. Why didn't I notice?" I was crying at this point and Ashton and Zayn were trying to comfort me but it didn't work.

"I barely noticed anything and I've got heightened senses," Ashton explained. "That's why I was never sure. He hid it well, you can't blame yourself." I understood what he was saying but it didn't make me feel any better. I should've noticed something. I was with him constantly, how could I not notice? I looked back at everything and it was so obvious now. The fact that he used so much deodorant and aftershave. That's why he was so... loving. That's why he was so... It just explained a lot.

After I calmed down and Zayn was ready, we left. Once we got back to mine Ashton and I helped Zayn unpack, listening to his instructions on where to put stuff. I was pretty happy that Zayn was moving in with me. I hated living alone so having company would be great. The only downside is the circumstance of which it happened.

After we finished, I took the boxes filled with Lou's stuff into a room that I never used. It was a spare bedroom, one of the five in the house but it was never used as it was at the back of the house. I put the boxes down carefully in the corner of the room and sighed sadly. Zayn and I agreed to keep his stuff here until we decided what to do with it. Admittedly I stole quite a bit of it and Zayn took a few shirts but that's it. I didn't want to get rid of anything so soon. It was stupid but I just wasn't ready.

I walked out of the room, going back downstairs to find Ashton and Zayn talking civilly. I still want to know what changed. How they went from hating each other to actually talking nicely to each other in a matter of a week really baffles me.

"How did your meeting with Ed go?" Ashton asked me. I forgot about that.

"It was hell," I replied. "But he said that he was impressed at how well we worked together as a team and has offered you two a job if you'd like it..." I was hoping that they'd take it. We made an amazing team and even though we don't have Lou anymore we'd still be amazing as a trio.

"You're being serious?" Ashton gaped and I nodded. "Why the fuck would he hire a vampire to kill other vampires?"

"Advantage, I guess." I shrugged. "Plus after how much you've done for us, he trusts you."

Zayn was just thinking and I knew why. What would change? He and Lou always said that they didn't want to work for a company like Ed's, what would've changed? "I'll take it." He said and I was in shock. What the fuck changed?

"Then I will." Ashton nodded. "As you said earlier, we're a great team."

That was when I realised that things were okay. Even if I lost the love of my life, I still had amazing friends. Maybe Lou and I weren't meant to be. Sure, it sucks. Will I get over it? Not for a while, if at all. Maybe we'll meet again someday.

Maybe one day.

A.N/ Well. That... was something. I came up with this idea a year or two ago and now I've finally finished it. I'm glad I sort of left it on a happy note for now. I don't know if it makes sense that it was written in past tense but ah well... there is a reason. I'm proud of myself for finishing this, though. Sure it's taken me a year or two but it's the first story I've finished and I'm proud. There have been moments where I've thought about taking this down, re-writing it, changing the ship and all but I'm glad I didn't. Thank you guys so much for reading this, it means so much! Until next time <3

Maybe One Day (L.S au) -Completed-Where stories live. Discover now