Chapter Three

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I got home straight after that. No vampire attacks which I was happy about, I need at least one day off a week, and I haven't had a day off in about two months. I know, I feel sorry for me too.

The hunter bugs me, though. I knew that that was him! It had to be! There was no other explanation! I swear I was going to scream...

I went for a boiling hot shower instead, so I stripped off and jumped into the nice hot steamy shower.

The hunter was really hot... I really shouldn't think about that... Yes, he was incredibly hot, like oh my god hot but how the fuck did he do it? He killed a vampire and drove off within a minute! There was no way he could've started the car and drove off in that time?!

Yeah, nice relaxing shower. That worked out well! It's given me more time to think! But he was really hot...

Kill me now.

I got out and got changed into some joggers and a hoodie, and phoned Ed.
"Harry, how are you?" Ed asked after answering after on the fourth ring.

"Frustrated." I replied. "There's definitely a hunter going around, and I can't get him out of my head!"

"So it's a hunter? Can you describe what he looks like?" Ed questioned.

"Feathery brown hair, blue eyes, short?" I answered, "sorry, it was pretty dark and I only saw him for a few seconds"

"I don't recognise the description; well, lack of one. Just keep an eye out, yeah?" Ed sighed.

"Sure, I'm not sure though, could've been something else but I'm sure it was him." I groaned.

"Yeah, thanks for telling me. Bye." Ed stated and hung up.

I then went to bed, at least then I can't think of the hunter.


I got woken up by my phone ringing. I groaned and answered it, not even checking who it was.

"What?" I answered. Can't I sleep?

"Hey Haz, you okay?" Charlie asked. Ugh. He couldn't have just text me?

"No. You just woke me up." I stated. He laughed and I groaned sleepily.

"It's 2pm!" He laughed. "Anyway, just checking up on you."

"M'fine." I replied. "How are you guys then? Heard you got transferred to London?"

"Yeah, maybe we could meet up again? It's been ages." Charlie said. I nodded then realised he couldn't see me.

"Yeah, we'll have to plan that, but right now sleep is calling me so bye!" I smiled.

"Yeah, bye lazy." Charlie chuckled. I hung up and checked if I had any texts. One off Liam.

From Liam:

You Okay? Didn't hear from you last night:/

It was like 3am! That's why! I just rolled my eyes and replied.

To Liam:

I'm fine, I was a bit frustrated last night but I'm fine now.

I sent that and closed my eyes. I should really get up... But my beds so comfy! But I have work today... I reluctantly dragged myself out of bed and into the living room and turned on Fright Night. Liam and Niall think I'm strange for liking this movie since I hunt vampires for a living, but David Tennant is so hot!

Half way through the film, someone knocked the door. Agh! I got up and answered it, and there was a guy, tall but not as tall as me, muscly, and had brown short hair. He was in a white shirt, black skinny jeans, black trainers and a leather jacket. "Um... Sorry to disturb you, but I just need to ask you something." He nervously stated. Who is he? "Oh, by the way, I'm Josh, Niall's friend? You are Harry, right?" Oh...

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