Chapter Six

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"You're back early," Niall stated when I walked through the door. Bloody hell, it's almost midnight! I wasn't that long!

"Yeah, I had some help so I'm finished earlier," I explained. "Would've been back sooner but I ended up talking to someone." Yeah. I don't like Louis. He's too cocky and just a plain dick.

"You don't seem too impressed," Liam smirked.

"No. Fucking cocky bitch." I groaned.

"Who's number did you get?" Liam asked, inspecting my hand.

"Fucking hell. Right, this guy, Louis, he's the hunter that was under the radar and I met him earlier. Now, he killed a vampire that I was on, which fine, less work for me. But then he had the fucking nerve to tell me that I'm a bad fucking hunter and then when I told him who I was, he was a fucking fuck. Then Ashton, who I'm working with, came out and the person Louis was working with, and they both threatened him. Yes okay, I'm wary of Ashton, he's a vamp, but he seems nice enough and he really helped today. But I don't think threatening Louis and the other guy helped but it worked out. So Louis, the prick, wrote his number on my hand, then proceeded to find my number and message me anyway. Guess who's going out for coffee tomorrow?" I ranted. Niall and Liam looked at me in shock, which I ignored, and continued to wipe my knives.

"Okay, you saying that while cleaning a knife is unnerving." Liam chuckled.

"It'll be fine. Just put down the fucking knife!" Niall laughed. God, I love them.


"Hey, you okay?" Louis asked as I sat in front of him. We were in the cafe, and oh my, did he look good. He was wearing something casual but still, he looked good. Black jeans, black t-shirt and a leather jacket. He looked amazing. He seemed on edge, though. He was tapping his fingers on the table but I don't think he realised he was doing it. He was pale, too. He looked a bit dead. It was weird.

"Yeah, fine," I replied. Why did he ask me here, though?

"Okay, first things first, I'm sorry if I offended you yesterday. I know I could've been a bit of a dick and I don't think and that's my problem. So yeah... Sorry about that." He frowned. Okay, at least he apologised.

"It's fine, honestly." I smiled slightly.

"It's not though. I really shouldn't have said what I did, I was just a bit tired. Anyway," he went on. "You didn't tell your boss about Zayn and I, did you? I know about the company you work for and I don't want them knowing about us. It's just, it's easier for us to stay under the radar doing this so it's less dangerous." Shit...

"Yeah, I understand that. It's quite dangerous when people know your name, which is something I regret, admittedly." I shrugged.

"What's it like, though? Vampires knowing your name, waiting to kill you?" He asked. Wow, nice.

"Unnerving. Like I have to be wary of friends and all that and a partner is just impossible." I frowned. He just nodded and looked down.

"Do you still see your family then?" He questioned.

"Um, not really. They live a while away though. We still talk on the phone but I don't see them that often. What about you? You've stayed in the shadows so surely it's safe for you?" Like, honestly.

"Uh, no. We fell out when they found out about this, and yeah. Haven't spoken to them in years." He frowned. That's sad. The finger tapping got faster and he never acknowladged it, doesn't he realise he's doing it?

"Families can be a right pain." I sighed.

"Yeah, they can." He stated. "So, tell me more about yourself, Curly."

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