the hospital visit

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zayn's P.O.V.

I am extremely worried about niall he went home all by himself he didn't even tell anyone, how could he be so fucking selfish does he know how much he broke me, that asshole, he can go fuck himself like really what's wrong with him, he really thinks that i could ever love louis then he is fucking nuts.. louis is just a friend.. i love niall and only niall but he is being an asshole and he ran away from his feelings

"baby you light up my world like nobody else "

"hello zayn Malik speaking who may I ask is calling"

the calm voice on the other side said " your friend niall horan was in a plane crash, he survived and is at south mullingar hospital, you are listed as his emergency contact we are just calling you to make you aware of his location and that he ok."

suddenly my entire world fell apart my nialler could have died, and its all my fault.

I reply into the phone "thank you I am on my way, tell him I'll be there as soon as. possible bye"

I run down stairs and tell everyone to get ready and that I will explain in the van.

we rush to the van and we head towards the airport and I explain what happened to our little leprechaun, Liam starts crying louis and Harry hug each other tightly and I can barely hold myself together.

when we, get to the airport we book a private flight to mullingar, we get the in less than an hour,

I call Maura and tell her to meet us at south mullingar hospital, she is in tears and she is also very angry at me

nialler's P.O.V

Shane plz wake up, plz dont leave me, I cant do this without you.

the door opens and the doctor comes in.

" he saved your life, he protected you, he is badly injured he isn't going to make it through the night,"

my heart breaks "plz leave me alone I want to say something to him"

the doctor leaves and I cuddle up to him

l whisper "Shane if you are going then I am too" I pull out a slim metallic razor blade and press it to my arms

hazza's P.O.V

we arrive at the hospital we ask for nialler's room number but they tell us he is not in the hospital but he is someone's guest she tells us the number and we walk down the sterile white halls, we, see the room and I hear the repetitive beeping then all of a sudden like In all those emergency room shows I hear the beeps turn into one long beep, I rush into the room and see a puddle of blood surrounding the little leprechauns body and i see the cuts that litter his body.. it breaks me and it makes me cry I tell louis to take zayn away and I call for a doctor, liam is by nialls side putting pressure on the cut, two doctors come in and one takes niall and brings him to another room and one starts writing on a clipboard time of death half noon, I wonder who this kid is, obviously niall knew him,

I ask the doctor "why was niall here with him"

he says " this boy saved your friends life he was flying the plane when its engines cut out and shane here covered niall and saved him from dying. I know both of them, they were my son Andy's best friends."

"do you know what room niall is in" I say sobbing

" room 913 its right down the hall on the left about 6 doors down"

I run down the hall and I open the door to his room softly, they wrapped up his cuts and all but they could at least make him look like the beautiful nialler we all know,

I mumble under my breath " why did you do this ni"

He will never love me (Ziall)(BoyxBoy)Where stories live. Discover now