skin and bones

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Zayn’s P.O.V


I can’t believe she tried to lie to me she was going to let Niall die. that is really fucked up. i may not love niall anymore but i cannot stand that fucking bitch. i told her to leave and the boys flipped out. fuck she was a match… they said we only have a day to find a kidney that they can transplant or he will die. we can’t lose Niall he is our little leprechaun. we have literally asked all of the people on our team and no one’s kidney is a match. its pissing me off and it is all my fault why am i so stupid i should have flipped out on her after she gave her kidney.


all the boys are flying in their families to save Niall. they hope one of their kidney’s are a match. they are all about an hour away and the doctors say we have 23 hours left before his heart fails and he is a vegetable and keeping him on life support would be pointless. so we are all sitting in the waiting room.


The boys are all taking the news differently. Louis is almost in a mental breakdown. he was really close to Niall and he told niall everything i mean everything. after niall went into a coma he told us about how he cuts and he looked broken it literally took him 25 minutes to find the words to say to us. he said if Niall was here he would have felt much more comfortable. But i can see the sadness in his face. the emptiness in his eyes and harry doesn’t even notice. he is curled up into Harry’s side and he doesn’t even feel how distant he is from him mentally.


Harry is hurting because he knows what niall went through. he knows about unrequited love but he was lucky that he found someone who wasn’t an asshole someone that wouldn’t hurt them or change their mind. but he is also so numb and oblivouis to his boyfriend but i can understand that.


Liam is trying to be strong for us but i can see that he is breaking on the inside. he is also pissed at me. i promised that i wouldn’t hurt Niall but look what i did i basically hurt him and ruined him. i am surprised that he hasn’t killed me yet.


Demi is crying. she said that she really screwed everything up. but she won’t tell me what she did. i don’t want to pressure her but it may be important..


i walk over to liam and he looks up at me and his face changes from sadness to anger. fuck he is going to kill me.


he says “ zayn can i talk to you outside”


“ s..s..sure “ i respond nervously


we walk outside and he looks at me with fire burning in his eyes.


“ this is why i didn’t want you to date niall. he could be dead because of you and that slut!!!!!”

“ i am fucking sorry liam i just don’t love him anymore” i say crying


“ what the fuck is wrong with you, how can you love someone one day and not the next you make no fucking sense just fucking leave zayn we don’t need you here you already fucked everything up already so just fucking go” he screams at me


“ you can’t tell me what to do” i say looking down in shame


he grabs me and pushes me up against the wall and starts punching me in the stomach. i wince in pain but take my beating because deep down i know i deserve it.after a few seconds the punches stop and i hear harry screaming “liam stop it”.


he screams “ no harry he deserves it he hurt niall he iss the rreason wwhyy niiiallls likeee thhhiss”


harry starts saying “ its no ones fau….” but i interupt him and say


“no harry it is my fault i am just going to get going i don’t deserve to be here i did hurt niall but i am sorry.. i just don’t love him anymore”


i hear louis crying even more then he says “ how fucking dare you say that zayn… you are fucking madly in love with niall how can you just not love him anymore. you are a asshole. he deserves better than you. but he doesn’t think he does and he probably won’t get the chance to find someone better because he is going to die zayn. he is going to die because you fucked him over so many times he was hooked up on getting your attention and your love. he got so caught up on you he didn’t take care of himself. i bet you didn’t even notice that he lost about 30 pounds for you so you would notice him instead of that slut but you were to busy being preoccupied by yourself”

i run into the hospital and into nialls room and i see how fragile he looks. he is all skin and bones… my heart drops and i break down into tears… i did this to him…. i broke the happy go lucky little leprechaun and louis is right… he will never find someone else.. or he will never be able to forgive me and let me win back his love… but i don’t deserve his love  

He will never love me (Ziall)(BoyxBoy)Where stories live. Discover now