interview with jasminethedreamer

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I interviewed jasminethedreamer who's story "My Possessive CEO" has more then 5,000,000 reads!! And it is one of my personal favorite stories on wattpad! So enjoy vote and comment!

1. When you first started writing did you think that so many people would read your story? 
No, I honestly had no idea. I was really surprised when My Possessive CEO took off like it did.

2. Your favorite quote?
 Probably one by Taylor Swift or Luke Bryan.I couldn't pick just one, though. There's so many.

3. Who do you look up to?
 Definitely Taylor Swift.

4. If you could spend one day with any celeb who would it be and why?
 Um..Maybe Ke$ha because she seems like she'd be really fun to hang out with.

5. Do you have a 'writing style'?
No, I don't think I have a writing style. I kind of just let things flow. Sometimes I'll turn on my computer at 4 or 5 in the morning because I need to write.

6. Three words to describe yourself are...
Loyal, outgoing and smart.

7. Your favorite superhero?

8. Your favorite book on Wattpad?
My favorite story on Wattpad right now is Love and Lies by@MercyRose.

9. Your favorite book (not on wattpad)?
The Harry Potter series with out a doubt.

10. What would you do if you woke up as Taylor Swift?
 I would take the chance what it's really like to be her.

11. Three words to describe your fans are...
 Awesome, loyal, patient.

12. What was the hardest part to write in your story?
 The hardest part to write in my story was the recent one I wrote. It's called "One Last Kiss" and it was hard because it was something that REALLY happened to me, and not too long ago either. It was a painful experience, and I really had to pull from that hurt to write it.

A/N: I got a few suggestions, and I wanted to let you know that I really apreaciated the fact that you read my interview book, so please feel free to message your favorite authors name, and I will try my best to interview them!(: Oh and thanks for reading!!

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