interview with TashaW

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@TashaW was my next author on the list to interview and I must say she has some of the BEST answers ever! They were really deep and made my heart melt! So yeah hope they will do the same to your heart!

1.What inspires you to write?

Anything. I could literally be watching an episode of Scandal and suddenly I get the urge to write. Usually it starts off as notes on my phone that make no sense. 

2.Your favorite book on wattpad is...

The Mischievous Mrs Maxfield, Charlotte is just so funny.

 3.When you first came on Wattpad did you really think that you would get so many reads?

Honestly? Nope. Never in my wildest dreams. I posted my stories without ever thinking of getting reads. I’d get excited about just one comment so I’ve come a long way.

4. Your favorite book (not on Wattpad)?

This is a hard one, I can never really choose a certain book but to answer the question and stop being awkward- It’ll have to be Noughts and Crosses by Malorie Blackman :P

5. What is your favorite quote?

"Why do we close our eyes when we pray, cry, kiss, dream?

Because the most beautiful things are not seen but felt only by the heart beating it through our veins."

6. Who is your favorite female singer?

Again with the favorites, dang I’m really awkward aren’t I?

I would have to say Hayley Williams from Paramore. She’s quirky, fun, happy and positive. 

7. Who is your biggest inspiration?

That little girl who has to work to provide for her family rather than playing with dolls. The one who grows up to deal with the hardships in life, to continue providing and not being able to enjoy a carefree life. The girl who grows up to become a strong woman. My biggest inspiration is every girl in the world who doesn’t get the amazing opportunities that lucky girls like me have. It helps keep me grounded. (deep much? Haha)    {A/N: I teared up here cause this is amazing, no wonder you have so many reads, your amazing}

8. If you had to choose, which writer would you consider a mentor?

It would have to be Susan Elizabeth Phillips, she’s amazing at helping me feel the connection between characters as a reader. I feel the electricity in the attraction, the road to falling in love is so well written that I fall in love too.

9. What do you think makes a 'good story'?

Good, honest and relatable characters. I don’t enjoy reading about a perfect girl who has a perfect life and nothing ever goes wrong, that’s not realistic nor is it an exciting story. I read to feel better, not worse about my life :)

10. Do you ever get writers block?

Omigosh yes! This will forever be the bane of my existence. I have writer’s block now actually on one of my books. It sucks. Why does it exist? Why isn’t there a quick cure? Ahhhh!!!

11. Any tips on how to get through writers block?

I’d say just stop writing and distract yourself with other activities. The more you stress over it then the harder it will be to overcome. You’ll suddenly get the inspiration in the middle of painting your nails or something, the excitement to write will build (when I have wet nails I’m incapable of doing any more than sitting still for twenty minutes) then BAM you have gotten over it.

12. Would you ever consider writing as a career?

No, I’m not sure about how I’d feel if writing became a job more than a passionate hobby. Of course I’d love to get published but the thought of having deadlines for finishing a book doesn’t really appeal to me.

13. Any advice for beginner writers?

Write for yourself and write what’s in your heart. Don’t get influenced by people putting you down or telling you that you’ll never become a great writer. I’ve improved drastically in three years due to listening to constructive criticism and ignoring ignorant comments. Believe in yourself! Make sure your spelling and grammar are the best they can be and write what you would enjoy reading.

(Gosh I sound like the back of a cheesy crisp packet.)

A/N: Well what did you guys think? Be sure to leave a comment on any worthy authors who deserve to be interviewed! Oh and don't forget to hit that vote button!<3


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