Hope Part 1

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Y/n P.O.V

for the past week now, I've been feeling a bit weird, my stomach has been making me feel nausea and every time I smell food I almost vomit, I think I know what's happening but I'm dreading it.
You see the only possible father is Shawn, I know that because he took my virginity. The problem isn't who the father is, well it is actually, you see shawn isn't normal as some may say, he's a singer, so many girls fall to their knees and cry at the sight of him, I've seen how protective those girls are for him, they may seem rude, but their just trying to help the boy they love, I understand because I love him too.
It's not just the fans but it's the fact that we are not that old, we're just 16, he may think it's to early, I for sure do, but I'm not thinking of an abortion, that isn't even an option, I hope he wants this baby, I hope I want this baby, I hope the fans want this baby.

Shawn Mendes Imagines Part 1Where stories live. Discover now