Ignored Part 1

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  Y/n P.O.V

I feel alone, feel, haha I wish, feeling alone would be a million times better than actually being alone. Every time it call him, every time I text him, poke him on Facebook anything you can think of I never get an answer, for the past month, Shawn has gotten into the mist of these popular boys, they take advantage of him, because he has a fan base and girls throwing themselves at him and anyone he hangs out with.
He doesn't see it, neither do the Shawn Girls, they just see him as being happy, were as I see him as lost. He's just trying to find himself, with all the chaos that's going on in his life lately he's started to lose himself and those boys have shown him that they can make him have a good time. Without me, he's having such a good time with them that he's forgot that for 3 years I've been giving him a good time. "Shawn!!" I shout over the chatter of him and his new 'friends' only to be ignored - once again. And once again I leave him to do his thing, once again the side of my lips turn down and I sniff to keep myself from crying, once again I feel a piece of my heartbreak away from my heart. Who new your first great love could be your first worst heartbreak? The same thing happens for the rest of the week, just like all the other 4 weeks that have gone by.
"Hey baby, I'm having a party at my house tomorrow, would you like to come?" The first thing he's said to me in 1 month and a week, is he SERIOUS. "Who's gonna be there?" I say whilst raising my eyebrow, knowing exactly who will be there. "Just some friends and hopefully my main priority, that's you, just in case you didn't realise" he says sounding like he was smiling. I scoff at his answer, main priority my ass. "Sure" I agree, let's see what will happen,he may actually be getting back to his senses. Let's hope.  

Shawn Mendes Imagines Part 1Where stories live. Discover now