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 Kayla: *thinks* 'i can't believe i was dared to do this.. i hope Penny doesn't freak out'

Penny: *walks in* "Hey Kayla"

Kayla: "Hi Penny!"

Penny: "So, what will we be doing today?"

Kayla: "I'll tell you when Talon gets here" *hopes Talon doesn't show up* 

 *2 min later*

Talon: "Sup girls"

Penny: "Hi Talon" 

Kayla:  *sighs and thinks 'here it goes'* "Hello Talon" *bats her eyes at him* 

Talon: "Um.. Hey?"

Penny: *looks at Kayla weird* ".. so what are we doing today?"

Kayla: "Ok, so today you guys will be asking each other questions"

Penny: "Oh great" *sighs*

Talon: "What Penny, you afraid i'm going to embarrass you?" *smirks*

Penny: "No!.."

Kayla: "Ok, so you go first.. handsome" *smiles*

Talon: *eyes get wide and gives her a really weird look*

Penny: *fake coughs* 

Talon: "Ok.. so Penny. On a scale of one to ten. How good looking am i?"

Penny: *face gets red* "Really Talon?"

Talon: "Yep" 

Penny:  *thinks* "A nine" *says quickly, then turns away and blushes*

Talon: *grins*

Kayla: "What? He is TOTALLY a ten" *bats eyes and thinks 'i really wish i could tell them that this was a dare'*

Talon: "Uh.. thanks Kayla?.."

Penny: *looks a little upset* "Ok... is it my turn now?"

Kayla: "Sure Pen"

Penny: "OK Talon.. If we weren't on opposite sides of this 'HQ versus M.A.D war', would you want to go out?"  *realises what she just said, and wishes she didn't say it*

Talon: *eyes get wide* "I.." *tries not to look embarrassed*

Penny: *looks at him*

Talon: "I would want to go out, even if we are on opposite sides" *blushes*

Penny: *looks surprised and tries not to smile* "Uh.." *blushes*

Kayla: "Ok, that's all the time we have for now" *walks over to the door* "Bye Penny... bye Talon" *twirls hair around her finger and giggles* 

Penny: "bye.."

Talon: *looks confused*

Kayla: *thinks 'thank goodness that's over' and walks out*


Hi guys! thanks for reading! If you want to know what the dare was, go to the last chapter and read the comments. :) Please be sure to leave questions/dares! Oh, and Happy late Easter everyone! 

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