Poor Talon

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Kayla: "Hi Mary! Thanks for coming back" *smiles*

Mary: "Glad to be back Kayla"

Penny: *walks in* "Hi Kayla! Hi Mary, havn't seen you in a while" *smiles at her*

Kayla: "Ok, so come on in here, but be quiet. We don't want to wake Talon" *opens the door and walks in with Penny and Mary*

Mary: *Talon is asleep on the couch*  "Um.. why is he sleeping?"

Kayla: "I'm not really sure, but it works for what we're going to do to him today" *giggles*

Penny: "Uh oh.. what are we going to do him this time?"

Kayla: *pulls out a bag from behind the couch Talon is on* "This!" *pulls makeup out of the bag*

Mary: *tries not to laugh as she looks in the bag*

Penny: "We're.. we're putting makeup on him?!"

Kayla: *smiles widely* "Yep"

*3 min later*

Penny: "Good thing he's a sound sleeper" *finishes putting lipstick on him*

Mary: "I wonder what would happen if he woke up before we were done" *smiles and puts more mascara on him*

Kayla: "I just hope he doesn't wake up quit yet.." *They finish with the make up*

Penny: "Why not Kayla? We're practically done.."

Kayla: "Not yet.. we still have one more thing to do"

Mary: "And what's that?" *grins*

Penny: *looks at Talon and feels a little bad for him*

Kayla: "We're going to hide his hair gel of course"

Mary: *eyes get wide* "He won't like that.." *giggles* "Let's do it"

Penny: "Poor Talon.." *smiles slightly*

Kayla: *Walks into the bathroom and comes back with all the hair gel* "Here we go" *puts them down* "Ok Penny.. now go mess up his hair"

Mary: *laughs a little as Penny messes up Talon's hair*

Penny:  *thinks for a sec* "What about the hair gel in his bracer?"

Mary: "He keeps hair gel in his bracer?.."

Penny: "Yea.. but i can hack it and remove the bottle of hair gel he keeps there"

Kayla: "Ok, while you do that, me and Mary will go hid these" *picks up the bottles and leaves with Mary*

Penny: "Alright.. now let's get hacking" *pushes a few buttons* "Done." *removes the little bottle of hair gel from his bracer*

Talon: *rolls over in his sleep*

Penny: *thinks 'phew, glad he didn't wake up' and hides the bottle under the couch*

Mary: "We're done" *walks in with Kayla smiling*

Kayla: "Yep.. now we just have to wake Talon up"

Penny: "That doesn't sound too hard"

Mary: "Hey, how about we just start laughing really loud? That'll wake him up"

Penny: "Sure.." *hopes he doesn't freak out too badly*

Kayla: "K, on 1. 2. 3. now" *laughs*

Penny: *her and Mary start laughing loudly*

Talon: *wakes up slightly* "what's" *yawn* "going on?"

Mary: "Nothing" *says quickly*

Penny: "Absolutely nothing Talon.. we totes didn't do anything to you"

Kayla: *smirks slightly*

Talon: *wakes up fully and sits up as fast as he can* "I know that voice Penny.. what did you guys do?!"

Kayla: "Here Talon" *hands him a mirror*

Penny: *holds her breath and waits for him to scream or something*

Talon: "Aaaaahhhh! What did you do to my perfect face?! And my.. my hair?!! It's ruined!" *freaks out*

Mary: * everyone watches with wide eyes*

Penny: "Talon.. it was just a dare. Calm down!!"

Talon:  *calms down slightly* "I'll just have to go wash this off i quess.. and fix my hair" *walks into bathroom*

Kayla: *looks at the other girls and tries to hold back a smile*

Talon: "What happened to  my hair gel?.." 

Penny and Mary: *start laughing*

Talon: *tries to get his emergency bottle out of his bracer* "Oh come on!!"

Thanks for reading! Please leave your questions/dares in the comments!

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