The Kiss

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Kayla: "Hey Pen, ready for some more questions?"

Penny: "Nope.. These are always so awkward! How can i be 'ready' for any of them?" 

Kayla: *laughs* "I quess you can't" 

Talon: *walks in* "Sup Kayla, Hey Pretty Penny"

Penny: *blushes slightly, but tries to hide it* "Hey Talon"

Kayla: *smiles* "Glad you're here, now we can get started!"

Talon: "Sure, what's first?"

Penny: *thinks 'please  don't be for me.. please'*

Kayla: "Ok, so this one is for both of you"

Penny: "Great.."

Talon: *smirks*

Kayla: "How long have you guys liked each other? Because it's kinda obvious you guys do" 

Penny and Talon: "We do not!!"

Kayla: "Guys, tell the truth" *looks Penny in the eyes*

Penny: *blushes* "Ok fine.. I.. I'v liked him ever since i first saw him in HQ" *looks away quickly*

Talon: *eyes light up, but he tries not to show how much he liked her answer*

Kayla: "Ok now Talon, your turn, and be honest"

Talon: "Uhh.. kinda the same actually, when we first saw each other at HQ"  *his face gets a hint of red*

Kayla: "You guys so had love at first sight!" *gets excited* 

Penny: "Wait.. what?! who said anything about love?" *blushes*

Talon: *fake coughs* "Anyhoo, what's the next question?"

Kayla: "Ok Talon, What were you thinking when you heard Penny call you 'super cute'? (in tiny talon time)"

Penny: *face gets red as she remembers*

Talon: "Well.. i was basically thinking.. 'what! Penny thinks i'm cute? Ha, wasn't expecting to hear that!'" *tries not to look embarrassed* 

Penny: *looks down*

Talon: "But i was happy to hear her say that because.. i think she is pretty cute herself"

Penny: "You- you do?" *blushes*

Kayla: "Aww! Now on to the next question, what is your guys favorite foods?"

Talon and Penny: "Mint chocolate chip Icecream!" *releases they said that together and blush*

Kayla: *laughs* "Besides dessert"

Penny: "I'm going to have to go with.. Pizza. Preferably cheese  Pizza"

Kayla: "Ok, and you Talon?"

Talon: "Hmm..  I'll have to go with chili"

Kayla: "Ok.. well that's all i have for now, you guys can go"

Talon: "Ok" *gets up to leave with Penny*

Penny: *hears a loud sound, kinda like a glass breaking*

Talon: *gets surprised and turns around quickly when Penny is behind him and accidentally 'kisses' her on the lips*

Penny: *eyes get wide, is too shocked to move*

Talon: *has his lips against hers and his face turns bright red*

Kayla:  *watches them and tries to keep a straight face*  

Penny: *neither her or Talon  move for about 10 sec and she doesn't really know what to do*

Talon: *pulls away blushing* "Uhh.. sorry about that" *turns his face away from hers and blushes hard*

Penny: "I..It's fine" *face is bright red*

Talon: *eyebrows raise for a sec before  giving her a quick kiss on the cheek and walks out before she can say anything*

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